New anti-COVID-19 restrictions in the UK over Christmas. Boris Johnson Announces Fourth Degree Alert in London and South East England


The number of COVID-19 cases has increased in England in the last two weeks due to a new variant of coronavirus. Scientists believe that the strain in question is up to 70% more transmissible, Reuters reports.

Boris Johnson said the government must take urgent action.

“Unfortunately, I have to tell you that we can’t celebrate Christmas the way we want to,” Johnson said at a news conference. “I honestly think there is no possible alternative.”

London and south-east England, roughly a third of the English population, are currently on grade 3 alert, the highest level in the UK system. However, the COVID-19 crisis sets the tone for a new step: alert level 4.

Interested persons should remain in their homes, except for good reasons, such as going to work where absolutely necessary.

Non-essential retail will be closed, as will interior spaces dedicated to leisure and entertainment. As for social interactions, it will only be allowed to meet one other person, outdoors.

Johnson said Friday that he hoped a third block in England would not be necessary after Christmas. The prime minister also resisted calls to allow restrictions to be relaxed for five days during the holiday period so that residents of three separate homes can gather inside at Christmas.

Although Johnson said Wednesday that it would be “inhumane” to ban Christmas, the new strain of coronavirus and the fourth-degree alert change the facts in the equation. People will be separated from the holidays and those who are not the target of the alert will be limited to spending a day away from home, with friends and family.

The new rules will go into effect Saturday night at midnight.

The UK reported 27,052 new COVID-19 cases and 534 deaths on Saturday. The reproduction rate “R” is estimated to be between 1.1 and 1.2, which means that the number of infections is growing rapidly. The United Kingdom was one of the worst affected European countries, with more than 67,000 deaths associated with COVID-19 and more than 2 million cases of coronavirus detected.

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