Nelu Tătaru: We expect that from the end of October we will go on a downward slope of COVID-19 cases


Health Minister Nelu Tătaru declared, on Monday, in Piatra-Neamţ, that from the second half of October Romania is expected to enter a downward slope in the number of COVID-19 cases.

The Minister of Health specified that for this to happen, the population must comply with the rules to combat and prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 infection.

“We have a busy September: the reopening of schools, cinemas, theaters, the return of the holidays, the congestion of public transport, the electoral campaign, the elections of September 27. Each of these activities has rules of application and operation in Observing these rules means staying on a plateau, around 1,500 cases, or alternating around this figure. If we keep it, then we can think of the second half of October that we can have “We are going down that plateau for now. We are in the second hump of the first wave of pandemics. We hope to be able to handle this beginning of school well “. October to go downhill,” said the Minister of Health.

Nelu Tătaru specified that a full evaluation on the effects of the reopening of schools will be ready at the end of September – beginning of October.

“For now we handle all cases and those that appear after the tests. But our benchmarks remain the addressability to emergency units, intensive care and the number of deaths, “said the Minister of Health.

Minister Nelu Tătaru is in Neamţ county on Monday, where he participates in a series of activities in support of NLP candidates in local elections.
