Nelu Tătaru wants the DEPOLITIZATION of hospitals: ‘The hope is that in 8-10 months we can present a health reform law to Parliament’ – News from sources


The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, affirms that he maintains his opinion according to which 80 percent of the managers of the health units “do not correspond”, accusing the politicization of hospital management and the Public Health Directorates. “Or in ten months the Government will be able to propose a new Health Law to Parliament”, announces

If we repeat many times, in the first months of the pandemic, that 80% of hospital management does not correspond, I maintain the same opinion and adapt it to Bucharest. I think that a pandemic, a very difficult medical moment speaking, should change us and an optic ”, declared Nelu Tătaru, on Tuesday night, during a debate organized together with the NLP candidates in the mayors of the sector, on health issues.

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When asked what the Government can do for health units under the administration of local authorities, the Minister of Health said that the Government can change the law.

“The hope is that in 8-10 months we can present a law on health reform to Parliament. You could see that any law that we tried to send to Parliament was also amended and challenged by those who amended it,” Nelu said. Tătaru.

He accused what he described as “excessive politicization of these medical units”, which according to him “caused a decrease in the quality of the medical act”, but also the fact that the politicization of the Public Health Directorates caused “a demotivation and decrease of homework “.

“I saw a reluctance to everything that hospital accreditation meant and at the same time I saw a distance between management and medical staff. I believe that the legislation is the one that will bring new breath, legislation that shows that we have burned a scene and we are in “Maintaining coordination at the level of the Ministry in medical units continues to be fundamental,” added the minister.

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He said that emphasis should also be placed on the development of primary medicine.

“I think that the remuneration of primary medicine should be done differently since the framework contracts that have been signed and are still being signed have certain shortcomings. The focus on primary medicine should increase and represent the cornerstone: prevention before treatment “, Nelu Tătaru also stated.
