Nelu Tătaru, ridiculed by doctors after hiring a singer in Sănată: “He defeated the Tatars. We have Tartars. We miss Stephen the Great … She will be talented! – News by sources


Several doctors mocked Health Minister Nelu Tătaru online after he hired a singer to take care of the management of regional hospitals.

“I see the scandalized world that Nelu put without competition (not like the red plague did, through direct employment and without testing knowledge) a 24-year-old girl, singer and model, to take care of regional hospitals! World, what have you got? Well, I know an antenna: 1. Those hospitals are not built, so this girl is not a danger to the health of the nation. Keep calm. 2. What was Napoleon Bonaparte at age 24 ?! Exactly: general! Uneducated. Deeeci, why are you still 24 years old? You don’t know what Nelu knows. She’s got it under … her eyes. 3. What is Nelu’s name? Oh?! Exactly: TATARU! Where was this girl born? In TĂŢĂRUŞI! Do you see that blood is not made of water? 4. Where did you say that Stephen the Great was born? And what, exactly, did he do at Lipnic ?! Let me see you … “, wrote on Facebook Dr. Marian Stamate, a doctor at Colţea Clinical Hospital.

Colleagues reacted with the same ironic tone: “He defeated the Tartars. We have Tartars. We miss Esteban the Great … She will be talented! … Yes, but Napoleon Buonaparte, an Italian of Corsican origin, started from the bottom, and went through all the stages up to the rank of general and then marshal … and believe me this girl is not like that? Wow, I think he has 10 years of experience … when he grows up he needs a basic job … I say he kills 2 rabbits at once! ”Are just some of the comments posted by doctors.
