Nelu Tataru announced how many doses of vaccine against COVID-19 will arrive in Romania | News, News Romania | Freedom


“The European community will receive 30 million in a first tranche, having firm discussions and contracts with various companies, and we will receive some of these vaccines, depending on the number of population. It was decided, of the 30 million doses of vaccine that the European community will receive in the first installment, we are 4% – 1,290,000 doses ”, said, in Digi24, Nelu Tătaru.

The minister said that the total number of COVID vaccine doses contracted by the European community so far amounts to “300 million doses”, adding that there are discussions for an additional number.

Nelu Tătaru also affirmed that, in case of receiving these doses of vaccine, in a first stage “extreme groups and people who work directly with the population, medical personnel, teachers, teachers” will be vaccinated.

Each month, the European community will receive from these contracts a series of vaccines from which we benefit from that 4%.

Nelu Tătaru:

On August 10, the president of the Romanian Society for Microbiology, Alexandru Rafila, stated that the coronavirus vaccine could be administered in multiple doses, when available.

Recently, the foreign press also pointed out that governments around the world will have to overcome enormous logistical obstacles in order to deliver the doses of vaccine necessary to immunize the population against COVID, according to CNN. Then they will have to convince the citizens to accept these doses.

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People will need two doses of the Covid vaccine when it becomes available, and that will cause serious problems, writes CNN. Some of these potential problems are logistical.

Photo: Hepta

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