Negotiations do not come with conditions and prejudices


Alina Gorghiu, one of the liberal leaders, told Digi24 on Sunday night that the NLP is waiting to see exactly how many seats it will have in the future parliament and is thinking of a solution to form the parliamentary majority around a prime minister that ” expect “to be liberal. The senator ruled out any discussion with the PSD and, from the perspective of a “European, healthy and wise” majority, sent a message to potential USR PLUS partners: the negotiations are taking place in good faith and balance, not with prejudices and conditions. .

“At this time, more important than who will be in the first or second position will be the possibility of generating a parliamentary majority in the near future, which could lead to a stable government, in partnership with Parliament and the President. We in NLP will have to think of a solution. The key is for politicians who have gone through several campaigns, ”said Alina Gorghiu, when asked if the key is in the UDMR. “We have to wait and see how many seats each party will have, because right now, the numbers and the number of seats are different.” The final number is expected in the PNL, we will see how many mandates are distributed to the PNL and the other parties, ”the senator explained.

“We categorically exclude any discussion with PSD for the future parliamentary majority, so that the world understands very well that the only strong fight in this campaign was between PNL and PSD. Unfortunately, the participation was not as desired. A greater presence would have been an advantage for PNL ”, added Alina Gorghiu.

I am convinced that we will be able to gather a majority around us, to give the future government, I hope, with a liberal prime minister, because this attribute is, according to the Constitution, in the right of the president, he has the decision to appoint a prime minister . That prime minister has the obligation to elaborate a government formula backed by a parliamentary majority. I am convinced that in Romania, at this essential moment, I would say at the crossroads, it is essential to achieve the coagulation of a healthy, wise pro-European majority, to give Romania a government as soon as possible, because there are many burning issues, and NLP has solutions for each of the problems, ”said Alina Gorghiu.

“We will have to end the political scandal and seek resources, especially those who felt the need to capitalize electorally by attacking us,” said Alina Gorghiu, when asked about the fact that the NLP was attacked by USR PLUS in the campaign, although they see themselves as the most likely alliance partners. “They have attacked us many times, but that does not mean that we do not have to search together for a coherent and correct formula, leaving pride aside, to build together. If we are tactful in the discussions, we will arrive at a good solution for Romania. It will not be easy, and this is what a USR colleague tells them: if they want a negotiation to go well, that a healthy majority can be generated, with a government that handles things well, then we do not come with conditions, with prejudices, but with good faith and balance, trying to find solutions, not to put on the table what separates us, “said the representative of the National Liberal Party.

According to the provisional results, PNL would have obtained around 25 percent of the votes, and USR-PLUS around 15 percent of the votes in the parliamentary elections of December 6, 2020. In turn, those of UDMR would have around the 6 percent of the votes, but the final number of seats will be established after the redistribution of the votes given to parties that have not crossed the electoral threshold of 5 percent.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
