Nadia Comăneci reveals the argument with Larisa Iordache and gives her a note. “10 for three aspects”


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From Oklahoma, “Zeița de la Montreal” Said by what he transmitted Larisei Iordache before evolution and highlights an essential aspect in gymnastics and sport: communication between coaches and athletes.

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  • Larisa Iordache finished the European Championship in Turkey with a record of four medals, two gold on the beam and on the ground, two silver, with the team and in the jump.
  • In total, Romania, led by Nicolae Forminte, won five medals in senior in Mersin, silver in team competition, gold in Larisa Iordache in beam and ground, silver in Larisa Iordache in jump and a new silver medal in beam. scored by Silviana Sfiringu when we have the information.

Hello Nadia! He called you to talk about the return of Larisa Iordache with European medals. What do you think would be the secret of its evolution?
I spoke with Larisa a little earlier, I called her to congratulate her. It was a special, extremely spectacular return. When you disappear from gymnastics for three years, even without injuries, it is almost impossible to regain some form of competitiveness to this year’s level when you think of gymnastics. But in his case, whoever has gone through these operations, I can only say that it is the will, the strength and the desire to show that he is still a value in this sport and he has not yet finished what he had to say.

Nadia Comăneci’s message to Larisa Iordache’s evolutions: “Calm down, Larisa! Don’t rush!”

How did you feel about her voice when you called her?
She is very grateful, but it’s good to ask her.

I’m curious how you perceived it.
She always thanks me, I write to her: “Calm down, Larisa! Don’t rush!” I don’t have to tell her what to do, but the fact that I feel like I’m a bit with her, even from afar, and encourage her, I think it’s something that helps everyone. But I was impressed because it is extremely difficult with the scoring code to be at this value and, although not all countries came to participate in this European, I look at the execution, the difficulty, I look at the value, what happens with their global exercises.

And what did you notice?
This beam that he does is competitive and Olympic on a world level.

And at the world and Olympic level?
Your main objective is that you have to pinch a qualification for a place in the Olympics.

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Nadia Comăneci, 10 by Larisa Iordache. “I would give it a grade of 10 for the inspiration it offers, for the will and the work”

If you had been at or near the arbitration table in the courtroom, would you have given it a 10?

For what?
I would give it a grade of 10 for the inspiration it offers, for the will and the work.

What do you think of the evolution of the juniors? What are our hopes?
I just spoke with Lucian Sandu, the team coach, I congratulated them on the juniors. I haven’t seen a junior team with such potential in a long time! He had really congratulated Lucian Sandu. May God keep you healthy and may we listen to you well! I saw some of the executions of the juniors, there is great potential, it is about the investment that has been made in this sport and we must continue to do so because if investments are not made, coaches are not sought to be updated on what is happening expensive , it’s hard. The federation started from another plateau, I also spoke with those of the federation, although I am far away, I am still close to Romanian gymnastics.

Nadia Comăneci and the story with Larisa Iordache’s coaches: Lulu and Cristian Moldovan

Finally, I would like to talk about the coaches of CS Dinamo de Larisa, Moldovan spouses, with a great contribution on their return. I know you have known them for a long time.
Lulu and Cristian Moldovan, yes! Her name was Lăcrămioara Filip, I trained her at Onești in the 80s, and the story goes very far, they were the first trainers I brought to Gym Nadia when it opened. He had a history with them, plus Cristi came with some girls to the Nadia Comăneci Invitational in Oklahoma a long time ago.

Of course, his communication with Larisa and what they managed to arrange for her to be that way matters enormously. Also think about the base of Larisa since she was little, that I always talk about the base. It is extremely important for a gymnast. It’s good that there is beautiful communication between coaches and between coaches and gymnasts. I heard the same thing now from Sandu Lucian and Gina Gogean … Gina who worked together to this day …

You say it is essential.
This communication is extremely important, especially in the years that we live, with the new platform created by the gymnastics federation, with the new president, I also try to tell you something here, I give you advice, I think it is a very good connection. importance. I also spoke with Mariana Bitang, you have to invest in sports.

Nadia: “The scoring code is based a lot on difficulty, if you don’t have legs it is very difficult. Because out of four devices for girls, three devices are for legs.”

One last question. The scoring code has changed in recent years. How difficult is it for gymnasts?
The scoring code is largely based on difficulty, if you don’t have legs it is very difficult. Because of four devices in girls, three are standing.

Thanks, Nadia! Happy celebrations!
Happy Holidays to all Romanians, let’s hear it!

Nadia Comăneci, 59 years old. Declaration manifesto

In an interview for Le Monde, Nadia Comăneci recently put in a statement all the power with which she got involved in gymnastics.

“I do not consider that my childhood and adolescence were stolen from me, since it is the only life that I have known and want to lead. I will always be grateful to my mother, she is the one who took me to the gym one day.Otherwise, he would have had a normal and much less interesting existence. I have no regrets and I haven’t had it.

See what my life means: everything that happened to me allowed me to be where I am today. Of course, I had a difficult time, like everyone else, but I passed these tests, because I always strive to be positive and make the best of what happens to us. 73 was my competition number, 7×3 = 21, which represents the XXI edition of the Olympic Games, in Montreal. I got seven marks out of ten, three gold medals. 7 + 3 = 10 “.

Tags: larisa iordache , nadia comaneci
