Mystery cleared up. Udrea reveals what the “sign of the nose” meant. Clash in Romania


Elena Udrea was subjected to a series of awkward questions, even asked by Denise Rifai, the famous journalist known for the direct and fierce way in which she approached all the “problems” on set.

Question 1

You’re a beautiful woman?

Yes. I consider myself an attractive woman. I am not necessarily a modest person. I hope I have surprised you. I think I have my mother to thank. So I believe that the character and soul of man can be seen in the face of each one of us.

Question 2

Did you build your career on heels and molded heels?

No. I recognize that in my adolescence, when I was not a known person, the way I went out, the way I presented myself, mattered. After getting a major feature, I was just trying to hide these details.

I was that character who met all the “points” to be the center of attention. I had access to the upper echelons of politics and did not shy away from dressing because it was not allowed in politics.

Question 3

Does the Romanian body tag bother you?

At first it bothered me. Today, less and less. It bothered me that all the accusations made against me could, in fact, be brought against any politician. Those of that time remain calm even today. He especially wanted to focus on me, take me out as a corrupt politician. This frustration has happened to me in the meantime. Even today we see in the elections what kinds of things are said about the candidates.

Question 4

Is it difficult to be Elena Udrea?

Not today. Many things have changed. There were times when I would have liked to go outside without people looking at me and judging me. Today is much easier because I have long since retired and the reaction of the people has diminished a lot. People have gotten used to seeing me in the spotlight and now it’s harder for me to recognize myself.

Question 5

Would you have married Dorin Cocos if he weren’t a rich man?

I married him after six years of relationship. I got over the period with “who was Dorin Cocos”. It was a very beautiful relationship for 6 years, with difficult moments, but very beautiful and that materialized with an absolutely natural marriage.

Even if I didn’t have his fortune, I would have married him.

I met him in court. We had coffee together in the cafe behind the courthouse. He was a client of my teacher, I was a practicing lawyer.

Question 6

When did you realize that Dorin Cocos no longer loved you?

I think he loved me all the time. The situation we were in, a public couple, caused all kinds of syncopes to appear in our relationship.

And I spent a lot of time on my career. All of these things chilled the relationship, the feelings faded, and that’s how we ended up breaking up. When we broke up, our feelings changed, but they existed.

A woman feels when she is cheated on. The relationship was such that even that seemed natural.

Question 7

What kind of man is Traian Basescu?

A very strong man. A leader, definitely. Both in private and in politics. The type of man you know is strong when you see him.

The first meeting was before entering politics, in a private event, I think at the baptism of the girl from Cozmin Gușă. It was then that I met him.

Question 8

Are you sorry you were in the same boat with Traian Băsescu?

Never! I did exactly what I wanted to do in politics. I have stayed true to the president and will never deny that everything I have gained in politics is due to Traian Băsescu. I think I chose the correct boat.

Question 9

Are you a rich woman?

It depends on what we are talking about. Compared to the vast majority of people, yes. Compared to those in the top 300, clearly not. I have enough to feel good and have a quiet life. I am happy, but now that I am not in politics, I tend to do business and increase the wealth of my family.

Question 10

Who has more money? You or Adrian?

I did not do a calculation. Probably me right now. I have many loans and investments in different companies. There are other activities that I have invested in in the past and now I generate income.

Question 11

Whose sign was it?

To a person dear to me, to my partner at that time. It was established long before. It was copied from Celine Dion. We decided to do the same. I did that sign again to tell him that I was okay in all that chaos.

Question 12

What was the biggest trauma in the Romanian prison?

I had a good time that period. He was at a stage where he was struggling with the system that he had already revealed.

There it was full of beetles. This was worse than not having a bathroom door because I was so scared of insects.

In March, Denise Rifai resigned from Realitatea PLUS, accusing management of failing to grant her the editorial freedom she enjoyed during the Cozmin Gușă era.

The journalist announced to her fans that she will return to small screens when she finds a project that satisfies her. And, after a few months of pause, of expectations, of searches, it finally appeared. It is about the program “40 questions with Denise Rifai”, about Kanal D.

The show, carried out after a successful international format, will bring, from October 6, to the audience, prominent personalities from different fields of activity.

There are 40 questions addressed to a guest and two minutes to answer each one, as Denise Rifai herself reveals in the “Press Files” program.
