Mourning in the Clejan family. Viorica de Clejani’s father died


Fulgy, the little boy from Viorica and Ioniță from Clejani, announced to his fans on social networks that he will no longer be able to contact them, because an unfortunate event occurred in his family. “I have a sad announcement to make. My mother’s father died tonight. I hope you understand this delicate situation we are going through,” Fulgy wrote on his Instagram page. He avoided giving details about the causes that led to the death of his grandfather After the tragic event that marked his family, Fulgy wanted to tell those in the online environment that he will resume his online program next Friday.

Viorica de Clejani, outraged: “My father died of cancer, not Covid!”

Heartbroken over losing her father, Viorica de Clejani made a post on her Instagram account. The artist explained in absentia why her father died, after it was speculated that he had Covid. The artist assures that the man, out of fear, did not go to the hospital to treat his illness. “Let it be very clear to everyone, my father did not die of Covid-19. My father died of cancer. He could have lived, but because of the fear you put to the world, so much media coverage of this virus, he stayed at home and did not received treatment. That perhaps could have been saved. And of course, that even in the hospital I do not receive you unless you are hospitalized for Covid-19. Hospitals are full of patients with Covid-19. No one dies of other diseases than this virus, “wrote Viorica de Clejani, on Instagram.

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