Mourning in Romanian show business: ‘famous businessman’ has died – Source news


Lucian Ionescu died at the age of 63. He was hospitalized in serious condition at the ‘Dr. I. Cantacuzino ‘, from Bucharest, after being infected by COVID-19.

It was his son who broke the news, online, directly from the official account that belonged to his father. “Hello and happy holidays. This is not Lucian but his son. I would like to tell you that my father Lucian is dead. He was a very holy man and he certainly came to God the Great and Holy. I would like to ask you to pray for his soul if possible. Happy holidays again and good morning “, was his message.

The businessman was in the category of those vulnerable to COVID-19 due to diabetes and his excess weight. He was admitted to Cantacuzino, intubated. His wife, Janine, is also hospitalized at Victor Babeş Hospital. Lucian Ionescu was the manager of several celebrities in Romania, including Elena Cârstea, Andreea Bălan, Andra or the bands Candy and Krypton.

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