Mourning in Romanian football! Shocking suicide! He was thrown from the seventh floor


The victim’s name is Adrian Muşat and he is a former soccer player at Gloria Arad club. The 37-year-old was not on his first suicide attempt. The man had various personal problems that would have brought him to the brink of suicide.

The paramedics who arrived at the scene could do nothing to save them

The man was not on his first suicide attempt. According to the journalists of, he had many personal problems that would have decided him to commit this gesture.

According to the source cited above, the man’s body was found this afternoon in front of a block near the “Francisc Neuman” stadium in Arad. Witnesses present at the scene told police the man likely jumped from the block’s seventh floor.

Adrian Mușa was divorced and had a daughter.

The police have opened an investigation into the suspicious death and are awaiting the completion of the investigation to officially decide whether or not the man committed suicide.

His body was found this afternoon in front of a block near the Francisc Neuman Stadium in Arad. Witnesses told police that the man most likely jumped from the block’s seventh floor.

The young man was passionate about cycling, but certain personal problems put pressure on him, which finally led to this radical gesture. Some people who knew him say that Adrian would not have been in the first suicide attempt, he similarly tried to end his days a few years ago.

The effects of the pandemic on young people

The coronavirus pandemic has affected young people overwhelmingly emotionally. 91% of them go through disturbing experiences due to COVID-19, according to a study by World Vision.

The most common conditions are: emotional stress, anxiety, anger, worry, uncertainty. According to the study, three important factors directly affected emotional state: school closings, social distancing, and increasing poverty.
