Moşteanu: Dragnea and Tariceanu were in the stands 4 years ago. One is in jail, another is on trial. Romania is changing / Message to PNL and UDMR: We can work very well together when we have the same concern – Politics


Romania is changing: four years ago Liviu Dragnea and Călin Popescu Tăriceanu were sitting on the Parliament rostrum, and now one is in prison and the other has been sent to trial, said the leader of the USR deputies, Ionuț Moșteanu, in the plenary session of Parliament in which the Government of PNL – USR-PLUS – UDMR will vote.

  • “Romania is changing. Dragnea and Tariceanu were in the stands four years ago. One is in prison, another is being sued. Romania is changing.
  • Four years ago, in the first banks were Florin Iordache, Şerban Nicolae, Eugen Nicolicea. Today there are new faces that inspire confidence in the future.
  • We who fight are here. The time has come to govern Romania, to make a Parliament in which good laws are no longer in the drawers. I see that it still validates MPs with criminal problems, I hope it changes faster, ”said Moşteanu.

He said that the 80 USR-PLUS MPs came here because Stelian Ion fought with the Dragnea army in this Parliament, because Vlad Voiculescu fought for a health system that heals, not sick, and because Dan Barna stood on the street and coordinated the project No Penalties.

The USR deputy also had a message for the coalition partners: “Dear PNL and UDMR colleagues, the exceptional work we put together in the government program shows that we can work very well together when we have the same concern: the good of this country”. I assure you of our full support that we will be loyal partners and work hand in hand to implement every line of the government’s program. “
