More than 4 million Italians return to work on Monday. The future will be in our hands.


More than 4 million Italians return to work on Monday, the Italian Prime Minister writes on Facebook. “As never before, the future of the country will be in our hands. I am sure that together we will be successful,” adds Giuseppe Conte.

Prime Minister Conte writes that the second phase of the quarantine exit begins on Monday: that of coexistence with the virus.

“It will be a new page that we will have to write together, with confidence and responsibility. Until now, the majority of citizens have been accommodated in their homes. As of tomorrow, more than 4 million Italians will return to work, using public transport Many companies and factories will restart. And there will be many more possibilities of infection, which we can only avoid through even greater responsibility, “Conte wrote, adding:” Like never before, the future of the country will be in our hands. “

It will take more cooperation, more civic sense and respect for everyone’s rules, says the Italian prime minister.

He warns that people must remain careful, keep their distance, wear a protective mask and wash their hands frequently and carefully.

“The more scrupulous we follow the security instructions, the faster we can regain other areas of freedom. Let’s not waste what we have earned in 50 days,” the Italian prime minister said, according to Mediafax.

There is no recipe to restart, Conte says, adding: “I am sure we will succeed together.”
