More than 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the country / Decrease of the third day of infection


UPDATE 18.37 Romania has exceeded the threshold of 1,000 deaths from coronavirus

Death 992: Male, 77, Suceava County. Confirmation date: 04.05.2020. Date of death: 11.05.2020. Comorbidities: hypertension.

Death 993: Woman, 80 years old, Suceava County. Beneficiary social center. Confirmation date: 04/30/2020. Date of death: 11.05.2020. Comorbidities: congestive heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney failure.

Death 994: Female, 73 years old, Hunedoara County. Confirmation date: 04.28.2020. Date of death: 12.05.2020. Comorbidities: bilateral breast cancer. Chronic kidney disease

Deaths 995: Male, 64, Braşov County. Confirmation date: 05.05.2020. Date of death: 11.05.2020. Comorbidities: aortic stenosis, pulmonary emphysema, casseciasis.

Death 996: Female, 87 years old, Neamţ County. Beneficiary in the nursing home (outbreak). Confirmation date: 04.29.2020 Date of death: 05.12.2020. Comorbidities: rheumatoid arthritis, NYHA class III heart failure, senile dementia

Death 997: Male, 59, Ilfov County. Confirmation date: 07.05.2020. Date of death: 12.05.2020. Comorbidities: perforated colon neoplasm, fecal peritonitis, brain and liver metastases.

Death 998: Male, 64, Bacău County. Confirmation date: 04.26.2020. Date of death: 12.05.2020. Comorbidities: CIC, hypertension, anemic syndrome.

Death 999: Man, 71 years old, Bucharest. Confirmation date: 25.04.2020. Date of death: 10.05.2020. Comorbidities: chronic renal failure-dialysis, chronic viral hepatitis C, aortic atherosclerosis and renal artery.

Death 1000: Female, 73 years old, Hunedoara County. Confirmation date: 11.05.2020. Date of death: 11.05.2020. Comorbidities: COPD, morbid obesity.

Death 1001: 85-year-old woman, Bacău county. Confirmation date: 11.05.2020. Date of death: 12.05.2020. Comorbidities: ischemic stroke, cerebral edema, dilated cardiomyopathy, grade III obesity, cardiac ischemia, COPD.

Death 1002: Woman, 74 years, Bucharest. Confirmation date: 09.05.2020. Date of death: 12.05.2020. Comorbidities: FA, ICC, rheumatoid arthritis.

UPDATE 12:56 New balance: 15,778 cases of infected people / 7,685 were declared cured and discharged

To date, on May 12, in Romania, 15,778 cases of people infected with the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) have been confirmed. Of the confirmed positive people, 7,685 were declared cured and discharged.

Since the last information sent by the Strategic Communication Group, another 190 new cases of disease have been registered.

At the moment, 238 patients are hospitalized in ATI.

In the Romanian territory, there are 14,923 people in institutionalized quarantine. Another 19,007 people are in solitary confinement at home and under medical supervision.

To date, 269,183 tests have been processed across the country.

UPDATE 11:05 Nine new deaths in Romania

Death 983 – Male, 31 years old, Neamţ County. Comorbidities: schizophrenia, obesity.

Death 984 – Woman, 72 years old, Sibiu county. Comorbidities: FIA, left ventricular failure, NYHA III-IV.

Death 985 – Male, 47 years old, Constanţa county. Comorbidities: acute pneumonia.

Death 986 – Male, 71, Galati County. Comorbidities: chronic hepatitis, pancreatic neoplasia, kidney failure.

Death 987 – Man, 70 years old, Mureş county. Comorbidities: heart failure, hypertension, type II diabetes, chronic kidney disease, a history of stroke.

Deaths 988 – Male, 74 years, Timiş County. Comorbidities: hypertension, chronic kidney failure, dialysis.

Death 989 – Male, 73 years old, Timiş County. Comorbidities: hypertension, COPD, pulmonary sclerosis.

Deaths 990 – Male, 48 years old, Sălaj County. Confirmation date: 04/29/2020. Date of death: 12.05.2020.

Death 991 – Woman, 72 years old, Sălaj county. Comorbidities: hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney failure.

To date, 15,588 cases of people infected with the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) have been confirmed. Of the confirmed positive people, 7,245 were declared cured and graduated. To date, 262,219 tests have been processed nationwide. The death toll reached 982.

The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, announced that after June 1, a national test will be carried out for Covid-19. Its objective will be to verify the immunization of the population and the evolution of the epidemic in our country. National tests will be carried out in collaboration with the World Health Organization, and the campaign will take into account outbreaks.

“We have a test we are doing, in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health and the National Center for the Control of Communicable Diseases. But we will do it about three months after the start of the pandemic, to assess both the population’s immunization status like the one of later evolution. It will start after June 1. We need to see when the pandemic will end, or the first stage of it. Because we are not going to go down yet. Today we have 331 cases, but in the context in which it was yesterday Saturday the tests are less, “said Nelu Tătaru.

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