Monthly meteorite, auctioned for $ 2.5 million


Valued at $ 2.5 million, one of the month’s largest meteorites is up for auction Thursday by Christie’s.

Called NWA 12691 and weighing more than 13 kilograms, the selenium rock was likely thrown from the surface of Earth’s natural satellite after a collision with an asteroid or comet and then reached the Sahara desert.

According to Reuters, there are only 650 kg of selenium rocks on Earth.

“The experience of having a piece of another world in your hands is something you will never forget,” said James Hyslop, head of Christie’s department of science and natural history.

The meteorite is the size of a soccer ball, slightly longer, larger than a man’s head.

Like many other meteorites, it was found in the Sahara.

The researchers are sure the rock came from the moon, after comparing it to samples brought in by the US Apollo space missions. USA

The moon has fascinated people since the dawn of human history, as a symbol of power, love, time, and prosperity, and it is the only natural satellite on earth.

It is believed to have formed 4.5 billion years ago, when a body the size of Mars collided with Earth.
