Monica Pop, after it was said about her: THE HYENI could hardly wait for a fake mess, something tragic. I really didn’t expect it!


Some sites wrote that in the case of Monica Pop, one of the most visible ophthalmologists in Romania, the cancer reappeared.

It was enough that, a few days ago, on Antena 3, he said that it came from an infusion that some “journalists” wrote that Mónica Pop had cancer problems again. Nothing more false! Monica Pop explained what really happened.

“I’M GOOD! HORRIBLE DESIRE FOR A HEARING FOR SOME MEDIA! LIES, OUT OF CONTEXT, INTERPRETATIONS FOR INTERPRETATION, BAD MISINFORMATION! AND OFFENDING, BUT HE DOESN’T CARE! AND WHEN IT COMES TO HEALTH AND LIFE, IT IS UNQUALIFIED !!! With the absolute lack of professionalism he “announces” to the so-called journalists, that they can only be of doubtful quality, since they have no idea of ​​a situation that, I mean, that I describe, that he would have problems with the disease! Maybe some would like to be like that! Horrible! But, for those for whom I represent something, who care about me, friends, ex, current and future patients, colleagues, good people, I announce in this way that I AM GOOD AND HAVE NOT INTERRUPTED THE TREATMENT FOR YEARS, because that’s the scheme, for no other reason, horribly invented just by them! I always did it, periodically, according to the instructions. But all this time, I had an absolutely normal life, as before, both professionally and at home! I never hid anything about this. I chose to go public with the disease to encourage those affected and to combat the claims of moderators lacking knowledge but also soul, who horribly discourage patients with this disease, calling it horribly “ruthless” and even “lethal” or “relentless”. ! When could you perfectly replace these cruel words with “serious illness”, “serious illness”? and so

They don’t care at all that they can crush souls and hopes! When you talk nonsense about her being ruthless, patient, and so affected and mentally, (it’s normal), he thinks he’ll die anyway if he says that, I don’t know which one on TV! Attitude not allowed for those who claim to be representatives of the media! It shows great inculturation and wickedness! I am doing a lot of damage and I am convinced that they know it, but they do not care! No way!

On Tuesday 19 in the afternoon, 19.01, in the Antena 3 program, I said that I came from the infusion (it is periodic), of course it was true, to justify one of the reasons why I do not get vaccinated (Dr. Rafila also He said that cancer patients, undergoing treatment, are not vaccinated.

But I have another one: anaphylactic shock in the background) and to explain why I have a mask on set. No way for anything else! But HYENI couldn’t wait to write a fake mess, something tragic, something unfortunately, that he really didn’t expect! Those of you who really care about me, rest assured! Thanks for the messages from the soul. Horses don’t die when they want DOGS! ”Monica Pop wrote on Facebook.
