Monica Anisie on what will happen to students who can no longer wear a mask


“This is a unique situation and each teacher who will be in the classroom will have to make a decision at that time.

If a child asks to remove the mask, he can go out to the schoolyard and remove the mask there. The teacher decides if there is a time when the child can no longer wear that mask, ”said Monica Anisie.

101 schools will start classes on the red script

The Minister of Education added that, at this time, there are 101 educational units that will start on the red stage.

“What I can tell you now, is a preliminary report, there are 6,116 educational units in which the green scenario is applied, 2,711, the yellow scenario and 101 educational units with the red scenario, at this time, so without those counties that I also informed them that the decision has not yet been made at the level of the County Committee for emergency situations, ”said Minister Monica Anisie.

Professor Rafila: The number of cases in schools will increase after the start of the new school year

Professor Alexandru Rafila affirms that after the opening of the schools, the number of cases will increase. Romania’s representative to the World Health Organization believes that schools should have a stock of masks because the one a child wears at any given time may be compromised.

“If a child comes to school with only one mask and breaks it, it is a matter that will happen, break it, take it out or drop it on the floor, try to change it with a colleague, they are children, we do not understand and must manifest as such – I don’t know the best solution. Probably the existence of a stock of masks to compensate for all these things at school, “said Rafila, at Digi24.


Sep 11, 07:00
