Monica Anisie explains what happens if there are cases of Covid-19 in schools, after the start of the school year


Monica Anisie announced this Sunday that there are currently 11 provinces in the country where there is no educational unit on the red stage, they can carry out their activity on the yellow or green stage.

The Minister of Education added that 12,423 units operate in the green scenario, 4,915 in the yellow scenario and 262 units in the red scenario.

It also said 106 teachers are hospitalized, 293 teachers are quarantined and want to work online, and 91 teachers have gone on sick leave.

LIVE TEXT Statements from the Minister of Education:

– I want to inform you that the inspectors general and the inspectors of school inspections were in the field to check each educational unit, but also my colleagues from the ministry who went to Bucharest today to be with the principals. I even went yesterday and today to see how the schools were prepared during this period. I also found good things. I would also like to thank the local public authorities who mobilized and formed a partnership with the school. It is important for all of us to have an educated Romania.

– I had a videoconference with the inspectors general of the school. I would like to tell you that there are 11 counties in which we do not have any educational units in the red stage: Harghita, Caraş, Hunedoara, Ialomiţa, Bihor, Vâlcea, Tulcea, Botoşani, Bistriţa Năsăud, Covasna and Vaslui. In these counties, teaching activities will take place on the green or yellow stage. Likewise, at this moment, according to the decisions made by the county committees for emergency situations or the municipal committee for emergency situations, we have the following situation: 12,423 units operating in green, 4,915 units in yellow scenario and 262 units in red scenario .

– The CMBSU emergency meeting was held in Bucharest in order to identify, where appropriate, certain situations and make a new decision in the sense that the Board of Directors of the educational unit made a new proposal. This new proposal arises due to an epidemiological situation at the school.

– I must point out that at this time, according to what each school inspection has sent, I can tell you that there are 106 hospitalized teachers, 293 teachers in quarantine who want to work online and 91 employees. teachers who went on sick leave.

– There are 147 teachers who, since September 1, have submitted their retirement records to school inspectorates.

– We are in a difficult situation and we would like to support the return of children to school. I ask everyone to stop politicizing education right now.

– Come to school with confidence.

Monica Anisie, on the situation of schools in Bucharest

– At this time I understood that the Bucharest Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations was closed and they sent certain statistics to the school inspection, but I did not break them down in Bucharest. There is no educational unit on the green stage, because you know that Bucharest is on the yellow stage. 607 educational units on the yellow stage and 29 educational units on the red stage, communicating the situation before entering the meeting. Some of the educational units that were in yellow, for infrastructure reasons, we are talking about those rehabilitations that began on August 20 and are not finished, those units asked to go to the red stage. Those units, since they have scaffolding. I wanted to end by telling you that I cannot accept workers who enter the school space, while there are children, teachers who carry out teaching activities in the school. Therefore, this decision was made to move to the red stage.

– Regarding the textbook auction, we started it in December 2019. The problem was that we entered an emergency situation, and SNCS responded to the appeal after several months. At this time, they have been re-evaluated and I think this week we can sign for the Romanian Language and Literature textbook, for the 8th grade.

When classes are suspended in a school if Covid-19 cases occur

– If an infection occurs in a class, the activity in that class is suspended, but the activity continues online. If there are three cases in three different classes, the classes will be suspended throughout the school. You will move to red writing, when you learn online. The epidemiological investigation will be carried out by the DSP.

The Minister of Education, Mónica Anisie, organized, on Sunday, at 4:00 p.m., a videoconference with the general school inspectors of the country, in the context of the start of the new school year.

Cases of Covid-19 in the Central School and in a kindergarten in the Capital, one day before the start of the school year

There have been cases of Covid-19 in the Central School and in a kindergarten in the Capital.

“There are two schools. These are the Central School and the ‘Flower Fairy’ kindergarten. (…) They requested by decision of the Board of Directors, a decision already sent to the School Inspection, today, and we are waiting for the Committee on Emergency Situations of the Municipality of Bucharest meets to make the decision of the red scenario in these cases. (…) In that kindergarten (Floral Fairy – no.) We are waiting for the investigation of the Directorate of Public Health because it was announced last night “Anisie said.

Monica Anisie participated on Sunday in a meeting at the Bucharest School Inspectorate, to analyze the situation of each school unit.

“I came to the School Inspection, I had a meeting yesterday with the school inspector general and some inspectors from the sector. Also present were the prefect and the director of the Public Health Directorate. They did an analysis, they reassessed each educational unit separately, and today I understand that the prefect will conduct the Bucharest Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations. There you will meet and decisions will be made. Today, at the School Inspection, I did nothing but discuss each situation with my classmates and see how we can help. At this time, we all need to understand that it is important to put our shoulders in such a way that students, teachers and all school personnel are safe, that we all stay healthy, and that we can confidently walk to school tomorrow. “said the minister.
