Mohammad Murad, open letter to Ludovic Orban: I inform you of the situation of the DISASTER – News from sources


The businessman Mohammad Murad, candidate for the Mangalia City Council, sends an open letter to Prime Minister Ludovic Orban in which he shows him the disastrous situation in which the coastal town finds itself and asks if in these conditions he would vote for his party colleague. four more years.

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Dear Prime Minister,

By means of this letter I want to inform you in this way of the disastrous situation in which the city of Mangalia finds itself, a fact that would deprive the inhabitants of this locality of all hope and confidence in the future. I would like to sound the alarm and ask you some questions to which the citizens of Mangalia have a right to have your honest answer. Starting from the premise of your correction, I ask you, Prime Minister, if you know the following situations and facts:

1. Mangalia City Council accounts are currently blocked due to mismanagement by the current mayor.

2. The Mangalia City Council owes penalties of about 5-7 million euros, as a consequence of the non-execution of some judicial decisions of the current mayor.

3. The Court of Auditors detected serious irregularities in the development of the pavement restoration works in Mangalia and decided to send the control report to DNA.

4. The Municipality of Mangalia has lost several projects financed with non-reimbursable European funds due to non-payment of the corresponding co-financing by the Mangalia City Council.

5. In Mangalia, all sports facilities were closed, all cultural activities were interrupted, and the mayor’s office stopped participating in supporting education and health, due to lack of funds in the local budget.

6. The Mangalia City Council is in the process of compulsory execution for non-payment of debts with third parties, with the risk of losing several properties.

7. The existence of several pending files on the activity of the current mayor of Mangalia that have been blocked for years by the competent institutions, without any interest of the state institutions to stop the theft of the local administration of Mangalia.

8. The declaration of assets of the current mayor of Mangalia raises many doubts about the donations he received from his mother-in-law, land donations worth millions of euros.

9. The gambling winnings registered in the patrimonial declaration of the current mayor of Mangalia, were not verified by the competent institutions on the reality of the amounts and the places where they were won.

10. The blackmail methods applied in Mangalia by the current mayor affect the business environment, the investments necessary for the city and especially those that lead to job creation.

Finally, I ask you, Prime Minister, if you were a simple citizen of Mangalia, would you vote for the current mayor of Mangalia for another term, even if it is your party colleague?

We can provide you with the supporting documents at any time.

Dr. Mohammad MURAD, “writes Murad.
