Model for Romania: how Israel defeated the pandemic. “Fewer restrictions and more vaccines and tests”


Israel appears to have finally defeated the pandemic. Israeli Health Minister Yuli Edelstein also said this recently. He told the Jerusalem Post that the difficult times were over and announced that the restrictions would continue to be gradually lifted. “With all caution, I am beginning to believe that we will not return,” he said.

And the numbers are on your side. According to the cited source, the number of deaths decreased by 91% and the number of illnesses by 86%. Last but not least, the number of patients older than 60 years with severe forms of the disease is 73% lower than in January, according to data presented by the Weizmann Institute of Sciences.

Raúl David, an Israeli doctor of Romanian descent, says the vaccines made a difference. He explained what the strengths of the small Middle Eastern state were in fighting the pandemic and what other states, including Romania, could learn from this success.

The ingredients of a great success

“First of all, it must be said that the vaccination campaign started early, while others were still negotiating contracts with producers or analyzing vaccines indefinitely. I think it was an effective strategy, because Israel started vaccinating the aging population and those prone to complications and did not jump the line as has been done elsewhere, ”says David.

But the vaccination campaign could not be a success without proper promotion. Promotion that, the doctor observes with surprise, is non-existent in Romania.

“In Israel we have a campaign about the language of the people. I understand that in Romania those bitter faces of some doctors who speak a wooden language still appear on television and scare people even more. Well, in Israel this was avoided, the idea was not to panic and explain everything to the population in a language that is as accessible as possible ”, he adds.

In his opinion, vaccination and testing have made Israel work. “It was a successful vaccination campaign, the results are visible and the anti-vaccinators cannot deny them. The tests were also very important. Of course, there was a lockdown in Israel, but the effectiveness of this lockdown is debatable and it can be seen that in other countries, such as Austria or the Netherlands, the lockdown did not help at all, as it was not duplicated by a serious vaccine. Bell. If I had to recommend something, there would be fewer restrictions, because people are already tired and have reached the end of their powers, it is impossible to take so many more. Fewer restrictions, more tests, and more shots. That is the key to victory in the fight against the pandemic ”, added the doctor.

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