MOCKERY Of the 1,500,000 rapid tests in schools, only FIVE THOUSAND were used – News from sources


Education Minister Sorin Cîmpeanu stated that so far, nationwide, only 5,000 rapid tests for Covid have been performed in schools, and some parents have opposed rapid antigen tests.

“The latest report from the Ministry of Health shows that almost 5,000 tests were used out of 1,500,000 tests. Infim. Rapid antigen tests. Of course, these cases of students found positive are the result of a PCR test, a test that was carried out by the DSP or depending on the choice of the parents through private entities. These are the results of the PCR tests. The rapid antigen tests in schools went very badly, “Sorin Cîmpeanu told Digi24 on Tuesday in the evening.

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Sorin Cîmpeanu also specified that there are not enough medical personnel in schools to perform these tests, but also that some parents do not agree with the rapid antigen tests that exist in schools.

“Clearly, there were no medical staff, there was probably no such availability of existing medical staff where it exists. I always said it, less than one in five schools have doctor’s offices. And furthermore, these rapid antigen tests have been considered invasive by some parents. and therefore the solution of non-invasive rapid tests based on saliva, I think they are a much better solution, accepted by parents on the one hand and on the other hand. It does not require medical personnel for its administration. They can also be self-administered. We also see cases in schools in France, Austria and other countries. I think non-invasive rapid tests are a good solution, “said Sorin Cîmpeanu.

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He added that he understands his parents’ reluctance.

“Now there is no (these non-invasive tests -nr), it’s just those tests with the rod that … I think I did about 50 of those tests, but it is a personal choice that must be respected. And if I had a child of 7 At 8 years, I might have had reservations about testing it. I can understand the reluctance of some parents to take the test this way, “said the Minister of Education.

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