Miron Mitrea, explosive: CCR, the only institution that has no control – is the god on earth in Romania – News from sources


Miron Mitrea appreciates that at this time the Constitutional Court is unbreakable, not controlled by any other institution in Romania and explained the reasons why he came here and how the election of constitutional judges could change in the “Behind the scenes” program of the power on Sunday night, in Reality PLUS.

“The Constitutional Court is the only institution in Romania that has no control. Once the judges are appointed there, on their terms, no one can control them. It was changed when it sold some goats, Toni Grebla, an exceptional lawyer. It is the only solution to get it out, dirty it …

In 2005 Traian Basescu became President of Romania. In 2006-2007 I was on television, foaming at the mouth I swore at the Constitutional Court, it was not good. Time passed, the terms of some judges ended, others were appointed by him and by his power. Since 2009 he said it was the best court.

The Constitutional Court is in this situation due to an error. Under the 1991 Constitution, it could be controlled by Parliament with 66-67 percent of the vote. In 2001, we introduced this change in the Constitution: the decisions of the Constitutional Court can no longer be challenged. According to the Constitution, the decisions of the Court are binding on everyone, they cannot be modified, rectified, revised, they cannot be attacked, by anyone, there is no institution. So the Constitutional Court, in its field of activity, is the god on earth in Romania, “Miron Mitrea declared in the program” Behind the scenes of power “on Sunday night, in Realitatea PLUS.

Scandal within the PSD: the head of the women’s organization demanded his resignation. It will now be placed on the Ethics Commission.

“To make the changes that politicians talk about (change the way the Constitutional Court is elected – ed.), The Constitution must be changed. The amendment of the Constitution could be done because in 2000 we started it, the integration of Romania in the European Union it had to continue and we had to make important changes there and all the political forces were able to come to the table, and then it was very difficult.

The procedure to change the Constitution is almost impossible. In the procedure to amend the Constitution, you see, God, there is also the Constitutional Court that gives you a point of view … “, it is also almost impossible, in the procedure it is an amendment, the CC CC gives a point of view , the top.

“You have no politicians. When I went to high school, I was threatened by my classmates, whom I still thought I had told my friend. Well, if our politicians …, from 2005-2006, until then, the The Constitutional Court was not even a political star, it did its job, but since 2006, it is not about politicians, on the one hand, it is about all politicians, it has become a pillar (Constitutional Court – ed.).

Every time I got mad at the candidate, I charged the court. If all disputes between Parliament and the President, the President and the Government, all these disputes become matters of the Court because there are conflicts between the institutions, and all the nonsense has become conflicts, of course, the Court must function.

I am convinced that if we speak with the judges of the Court, they will say what they told me in 2009-2010: Leave us, brothers, alone, let’s do the work, don’t force us. We gather behind you at the table. (…)

If the cops go back to normal, the ones in power, and don’t always go to court, the Court will probably do its job. Different political forces coexist around the world. Only in Romania it is not possible! Mitrea added.

Regarding the change in the appointment and election of the Constitutional Court, Miron Mitrea says that “there are several methods, we have chosen the method in which the judges are appointed by Parliament, the President, the Government”. Another method is for these judges, conditions: seniority, being professional, being chosen from among the judges. (…) We have a Constitutional Court appointed in some way. We can align the entire country to name it differently, to arrive at your choice. Well, what do you think that the electoral process does not interfere? ”
