Mirela Vaida, appearance of great days on the beach. Fans, concerned: “Don’t fall …”


Mirela Vaida (38 years old), the presenter of the “Direct Access” program, went to the sea this weekend and published a photo on her Instagram account that delighted the fans. The Antena 1 star relaxed in Mamaia and said she reached the seashore without the three children.

“I have not been to the Black Sea for two years and I will return today, like this, in a hurry. As this summer was about to pass and I had not arrived, I was not on vacation, at least not alone. At most, with the children and even with my mother-in-law, in Cluj. Then you realize what a vacation!

But the fact that, look, I’m still enjoying these ocean waves and the fact that I can still feel the sand on my feet, it makes me so happy! So I hope we’re all happy, we look good, and if you’re still on vacation, have a nice vacation, a kiss! ”Was the message that Mirela Vaida published on her Instagram account, where she is followed by more than 487,000 users.

The fans reacted and transmitted: “Very nice, have as much fun as possible and a lot of relaxation, freedom … have fun!”, “Don’t let your bra fall off”, “You are beautiful, Mrs. Mirela! Maximum fun”.

During the pandemic, coronavirus cases also did not bypass the “Direct Access” program. Several members of the production, but also the famous Vulpița and Viorel, were infected and the program was suspended.

“Good morning! Late in the evening, another case of COVID-19 was positively confirmed among our team. Because we interact with each other every day, we automatically attract the quality of” direct contacts “and we don’t want to get in danger to ourselves or to others. That is why the decision was made that today we should all stay at home, for a time, in contact with the DSP and respecting all legal provisions. I feel very good, for now, without any specific symptom and I hope to stay that way!

For my safety and that of my family, I will repeat the PCR test regularly! Thank you for your understanding and concern and I can’t wait to get back to being live every day! I am with my colleagues who are already isolated and I pray that this period passes quickly and well! May all have peace and health! God help!
Read the full story: Mirela Vaida, worrying message: “Another case of COVID-19 has been positively confirmed in the team,” announced Mirela Vaida at the end of July.
