Mircea Badea commented on the scandal that shakes the British Royal Family, after the interview granted by Meghan Markle and Harry. He thought the footage was fake.
Meghan Markle came from America to the UK for Harry.
And when he got there, no one from the Royal House thought, that seems horrible to me, to say: “Madam, you came from America, didn’t you? Madam, know that in the UK we are a different country. I mean you come from the United States, that forms a country, Great Britain, another country. And then if you come from one country to another, you need to know, among other things, that the anthem of Great Britain is not the same as the anthem of the United States.”. It is like when you go to a fast food and he gives you hot tea and you drink it, you see that it is hot, but you have to write in it: “Attention, the tea is hot”, because otherwise, you give yourself the tea and you demand to the company, saying, “Well yeah, you know, they didn’t tell me it was hot tea.” And then Ms. Markle was just not told that Britain, being a different country than the United States, had a different anthem, and she found out for herself. That’s horrible. He found out on his own, googling. It is unacceptable, ”Mircea Badea commented wryly.
“I warn you, there are intense moments from the emotional point of view,” said Mircea Badea, before releasing the interview sequence. Oprah Winfrey asks Meghan Markle if anyone has said anything to her. “No, no one, not even …” said the former duchess. Harry tried to intervene at this point, but Meghan Markle grabbed him to let her continue with the answer: “Not even the national anthem. Nobody thought to tell me: Oh you’re American, you have no way of knowing. I had to stay up late at night, googling, I had to learn it, so as not to embarrass them. ”
“Dude, why did it happen?” Mircea Badea continued, ironically, adding: “It’s horrible. Let’s go on, although it’s hard for me.”
See also: Val Vâlcu, after Meghan Markle complained about the Royal Family to Oprah: America cannot wait
This article is an opinion.