Ministry of Transport, measures applicable to CFR, Metrorex, airport, Tarom after lifting the state of emergency – News from sources


The Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications has published in decisional transparency the proposal on the set of measures for the prevention and control of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, for companies under the authority of the MTIC, applicable measures after raising the status of emergency, as of May 15, 2020.


▪ Maintain the rule of occupying car seats according to the principle of “a free place, a occupied place”, provided that the additional costs (50%) of the state budget are assumed.

▪ Introduction of the obligation to wear a protective mask on board CFR Calatori trains

▪ Recommended disposable gloves on board CFR Calatori trains.

▪ The possibility of purchasing passenger cards WITHOUT A RESERVED PLACE remains suspended, as long as the additional costs of the state budget are assumed.

▪ The rule is maintained that the train manager / driver only displays the passenger’s ticket, without touching it.

▪ The places allowed for the transport of passengers will be marked with a visible green sign.

▪ It is forbidden to introduce restaurant cars in the components.

▪ For toilets in wagons, it is mandatory to provide running water, liquid soap and hand sanitizer.

For sleeper cars or sleeping cars, only one passenger per compartment is allowed, except for members of the same family;

Nelu Tătaru, warning the day the Interior Ministry announced a series of relaxations: “Precautions must continue to exist”


Social distance measures / communication with travelers.

For the correct information of the traveling public on the protection measures against Covid 19, both at the points of sale and on the trains, Metrorex visibly displayed guide signs with the basic rules that must be observed during the metro trip;

In the 53 existing metro stations, the contactless payment system was implemented with the bank card directly in the toll machines to limit the use of tickets;

Payment by bank card is also available at all ATMs in the metro network, including special ATMs, during their business hours. On the counters of these ATMs there are stickers that visually indicate the trips regarding the acceptance of the payment of the cards issued under the logo of Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron and Maestro. In addition, the vending machines available in the metro stations benefit from this modern payment system;

Warning decals for social distance were displayed in the subway access booths;

Near the travel documents of the points of sale and next to the vending machines, the cards were placed with warning labels to maintain the social distance of the travelers;

In the metro stations, through the sound installations, announcements are made about maintaining social distance and compliance with the measures imposed by the authorities.

Installing Used Mask / Glove Baskets

The places allowed for the transport of passengers, both for standing transport and transport in the seats, will be marked with a visible green sign so that a distance of at least one meter is maintained between the passengers;

Access to the metro stations will be carried out in a controlled way, so that, on the waiting platforms, passengers can maintain a distance of at least one meter between them.

Marcel Vela brings new news: ‘Some flights are allowed from May 15.’ Caution: Red zone ban remains

Transportation schedule

on the 1 + 3 motorways, with a number of 32 trains that will run during periods of increased traffic in a minimum interval of 6 minutes, and in the common distance of the two motorways, Nicolae Grigorescu – Eroilor, a minimum interval of 2 – 3 minutes;

on Highway 2, with a number of 21 trains that will run during periods of increased traffic in a minimum interval of 3 minutes;

on Highway 4, with a number of 4 trains that will run during periods of increased traffic in a minimum interval of 11 minutes, until the Parc Bazilescu – Straulesti remote traffic safety system is launched.

Sanitation measures for wagons and stations.

Underground trains are disinfected daily through an industrial procedure, called 3D fogging, which ensures efficient disinfection of the trains, but also of the ventilation routes with which the trains are equipped;

Both public spaces and common areas with which passengers come into contact during the metro trip are thoroughly and frequently disinfected;

A biocide solution is used to disinfect surfaces in all stations of stations (cabins, cash registers, technical spaces, bathrooms, etc.).

Dimensioning of transport capacity.

Metrorex has a total of 65 trains, which can be provided in

Highway 2 is a 2-3 minute transit interval between trains, Highway 1 and Highway 3 a 3-6 minute transit interval between trains, and Highway 4 a 10-12 transit interval between trains. minutes.

Approaches were brought to the Romanian Gendarmerie and the Police Brigade for public transport to guarantee public order at the entrances of the metro to order passengers, maintain social distance and limit overcrowding, especially during peak hours from Monday to Friday. , respectively during the hours. 06-09 and 16-19



Measures for flight scheduling and operating procedure.

▪ To avoid congestion and, implicitly, respect the 1m distance between passengers, flights taking off from airlines / AIHCB handling agents will inform passengers arriving at the airport 3 hours before the scheduled departure time.

▪ To guarantee the protective distance between people, both the movement routes of people and temporary parking areas will be reconfigured in unrestricted areas. We refer here to public parking lots in front of passenger terminals, to platforms at the entrance to passenger terminals, to waiting rooms inside passenger terminals, to check-in counters (check-in, ticket), to the public catering areas (restaurants, bars, cafes), in the information offices and in the waiting room. This is necessary to carry out access control by presenting the boarding pass or an equivalent document.

▪ In the parking lot in front of the Departures Terminal, a space will be organized (approximately 1200 m²) in which 6 tents (with the dimensions of 20m x 10m) will be placed for the group of passengers, before access to the terminal. The tents will be equipped with chairs, flight display system, juice / snack vendors, etc.

▪ All passengers arriving at AIHCB will be directed to the classification area located in the Departures Terminal parking lot.

▪ Passengers will be grouped in tents for flights that can be served simultaneously and cannot enter the terminal due to social distance measures.

▪ To avoid access to passenger terminals for some people who have symptoms, it is mandatory to carry out a thermocontrol, provided that legal regulations allow it.

▪ For the operation after lifting the restrictions imposed by the authorities, all available check-in islands in the Departures Terminal will be used (currently, the operation is carried out only in the Departures Terminal extension, at 50% of his capacity).

▪ In order to guarantee the measures to maintain social distance, a tendon color will be created, within which will be marked on the floor, with stickers (floor graphic), demarcation lines to maintain the distance of 1 m between passengers (back and forward) ).

▪ The check-in counters will open 4 hours before the aircraft’s takeoff time. For each flight, the responsible AH will provide a sufficient number of employees, who will guarantee the processing of the passengers at the check-in desks.

▪ All seats in the public area of ​​the Departures Terminal will be eliminated, so as not to create the facilities for passengers to stay, before processing them at the check-in counters. The banks will be placed in the area of ​​the tents located outside the Departures Terminal.

▪ Airport staff must wear a mask indoors and verify compliance with this protection measure on the spot.

▪ Measures will be taken to adapt the signaling and video messages that are run on the interior monitors in the security control area, so that instructions are presented on how to maintain social distance.

▪ The seats in the gate areas will be reconfigured, removing one seat from the set of 3 seats (1, 2, 3 …) to maintain the optimal distance between passengers.

▪ For international flights with boarding on the platform, boarding of buses will be ensured starting with the rear seats of the aircraft, avoiding congestion of buses carrying passengers to the aircraft (max. 50% of capacity).

▪ The disembarkation of the passengers of the aircraft will be made from the first rows of the aircraft, to guarantee the fluidity of the activity. Avoid congestion on buses carrying passengers to the airport (max. 50% of capacity).

Additional measures to protect and maintain social distance and communication with passengers.

▪ Messages to maintain a distance of 2 m between people, located on the floor, in the Departures and Arrivals border areas. The signs shall be placed at a distance of at least 2.3 m from each other. Around 40 posters were placed.

▪ The tape for the confidentiality limit compared to the passport control table was placed at a greater distance than initially existed. There was about 100m of privacy tape, most visible, yellow, at least twice the width of the initial version.

▪ Bilingual “Keep at least 2m away” signs. A minimum of 30 posters were placed in the public areas of the terminals.

▪ Posters with the steps to follow to prevent COVID-19 infection.

▪ Posters with information on COVID-19, located in AIHCB terminals (public areas and restricted areas).

▪ 6 posters for biological waste collection containers.

▪ In total, some 350 posters and informative materials were placed, representing more than 200 m² of informative materials.

▪ (Bilingual) announcements are made in the terminals, to maintain the recommended distance (2 m). Announcements are automatically sent every 2 minutes.

▪ Installation of transparent material panels in areas where there is direct contact between passengers and AH / AIHCB employees (check-in desks, passenger access control points where DSA personnel verify boarding passes / equivalent documents, control point of personal access – PCA55, baggage reclaim room access control point Arrivals – PCA 49, Corp’s logistical access control point, X-ray filters, boarding gates, lost baggage offices, protocol lounge receptions , etc.).

▪ Equip passenger access control points with passenger disinfectants to disinfect their hands before entering security control filters.

▪ Installation of classification tents near the Departures Terminal, to classify passengers arriving at the airport for the flight (details in point 3.2.1.).

▪ Establishment of adequate quarantine spaces to clear suspicions related to passengers with symptoms of COVID-19.

▪ Location of 100 additional information panels / roll-ups, with PVC material support, measuring 0.9 mx 2 m.

▪ Location of approximately 1000 decals (floor sticker) with “keep a distance of 1 m” signs / messages, applicable on the floor, 0.9 m x 0.3 m.

▪ Identification of congestion-prone areas and specific visualization methods.

▪ The specific signaling of the external areas that will be used as a “buffer” and that can assume temporarily, and in a controlled manner, the possible “extensions” of the queues from the terminal, for cases where, within, the limit health security.

▪ Establish the additional messages to be transmitted, as well as their periodicity.

▪ Evaluate meeting points in emergency situations, in terms of social distance, and update the screen in these areas.

▪ Passenger distance on escalators / escalators will be ensured by markings on the steps and on the current hand.

▪ Permanent provision of the necessary soap and hand sanitizer inside the toilets and posters on the correct way to wash your hands.

▪ The restaurants and cafeterias of the AIHCB terminals will carry out their activity under the conditions established by the authorities.

▪ Reactivation of the “Airport Assistant” program using the personnel of the services of External Relations, Protocol, Assistance to Passengers with Reduced Mobility, etc., to monitor compliance with the rules of social distance, to guide passengers and their departure .

▪ Equip airport staff with PPE, depending on the degree of exposure.

▪ OA and AH must provide passengers with all the necessary information, in detail, about the travel conditions (including general and specific rules on security control), rules to prevent infection with the new virus.

▪ Establish the need for thermal scanning of passengers, in accordance with the applicable national legislation, respectively identifying the appropriate points for the application of the thermal scanning procedure.

Technical-logistical measures, cleaning and disinfection of facilities and protection of people.

▪ Approximately 10 daily air / surface disinfection operations with biocidal substance at maximum concentration. Disinfection was carried out non-stop in the arrival / departure flows of both CNAB airports (AIHCB and AIBB-AV).

▪ Disinfection of CNAB ambulances, ambulances and medical office.

▪ Disinfection of airplanes and buses that serve passengers.

▪ Disinfection of all toilets every 2 hours or when necessary.

▪ Disinfection of the security filter trays, at least once per shift or upon request.

▪ Disinfection of all access doors (including offices): once / return or on request.

Supply of disinfectants for the use of passengers (in bathrooms, in flows, etc.).

▪ Guarantee facilities (as far as possible and legal restrictions) for the purchase of protective masks for passengers, since the measures to use these protective elements will be mandatory after lifting the restrictions imposed by the authorities.

▪ Installation of dispensers with disinfectant wipes / hand sanitizers in access areas at Terminals, in transit areas, access control, and in passport control areas. Passengers (through posters) will be advised to use disinfectants before presenting travel documents for inspection.

▪ Periodic disinfection of the current hand of escalators and fixed ladders, sidewalks, luggage carts, luggage belts, elevators.

▪ Disinfection of public areas at least 8 times / day.

▪ Placement of disinfecting carpets in the high traffic areas of the AIHCB terminals and ensuring permanent wetting with biocides.

▪ Daily decontamination of CN AB administrative buildings.

▪ Periodic disinfection, for a day, of the roller beds, the tape system and the security control equipment, respectively, of the trays for security control.


Measures relating to the protection of the cabin and the flight crew.

▪ The cabin crew is required to wear protective equipment (mask, gloves, visor).

▪ Equip aircraft with disinfectants and spare protective equipment.

▪ Train personnel on the use of protective equipment and the removal of equipment used in conditions of sanitary security.

▪ Disinfection after each interaction with passengers, their belongings or the spaces / areas touched by them.

▪ Prohibition of access to the cabin of ground personnel from the staircase, except the one dedicated to cleaning and disinfection or technical personnel.

▪ Use of gloves in the handling of operational documentation, use of own writing instruments.

▪ Wear gloves and a protective mask in case it is necessary to leave the cabin, disinfection after completing tasks outside the cabin.

▪ Prohibition of access to the cockpit of any person who is not a member of the flight crew.

▪ Wear a mask in the cabin.

▪ Wear especially long-sleeved clothing.

▪ Disinfection of hands after each use of common spaces or equipment on the aircraft.

▪ Prohibition of protective equipment or materials that may obstruct access to emergency equipment, impede access to oxygen masks, impede access to emergency escape routes, or limit visual or hearing contact with cabin crew.

Passenger protection measures

▪ Limit / suspend on-board service on routes / destinations according to the level of risk declared by the authorities.

▪ Offer bottled water on demand and / or prepackaged food.

▪ Limit passenger traffic in the front area of ​​the aircraft.

▪ Limit the use of the front bathroom by passengers.

▪ Inclusion of announcements on board about the maintenance of the safety distance, the limitation of the service on board, the avoidance of traffic on the plane.

Aircraft / common area disinfection

▪ Disinfection program after each rotation.

▪ Disinfection of the information room.
