Ministry of the Environment arrives with explanations: Why the rescuers of some bear cubs were fined – Source news


The Asociación Amigos de las Cigüeñas was fined because, although it indisputably has the merit of rescuing two cubs, the way in which the representatives of this association acted is totally contrary to the legal provisions and could have caused the deterioration of health or even the death of animals. shown in a Facebook post from the Ministry of the Environment.

Also read: A woman received a fine of 10,000 lei, after rescuing two puppies

This is after the association announced on Friday that it was fined by the Sibiu Environment Guard for transporting two abandoned and dehydrated bear cubs to the sanctuary in Zărneşti.

“A story about how good intentions and a spirit of initiative cannot replace the observance of the law. Everything there is to know about the case of the bears of Sibiu + BONUS a similar case today, from the same area, but with a very different result (read to the end) ”, is shown in the post of the Ministry of the Environment .

The institution officials also report their version of how things were:

“On March 30, the representatives of the association for the protection of animals Friends of the storks – Cristian, Romania, Sibiu county, received from a natural person two specimens of bear cubs. From their statements, the chicks were found near the town of Biertan, and in the At the time of receiving them their health was precarious, being poorly fed.

What does the law say in these situations? The legal provisions are very clear: The natural person or the representative of a legal person who accidentally possesses specimens of wildlife has the obligation to declare them immediately at the regional police station of the National Environmental Guard (through the unique 112 system) and sign the statement on accidental capture of a strictly protected species. (Art. 14 of GD 323/2010).

Why is it important to obey the law? In such cases, the priority should be to identify the best solutions to rescue and rehabilitate the specimens in question. The Environmental Guard is the institution that decides, together with the Environmental Protection Agency and the DSVSA, which way to go. Veterinarians immediately analyze the state of health, and after the analysis it is established whether it is necessary to place a rehabilitation center in temporary custody. All these steps are essential to achieve the final objective: the reintroduction of specimens in the natural habitats of origin.

What happened to the Sibiu cubs? Although they found that the health of the cubs is precarious, although they have been active in the field of animal protection since 2007, the representatives of Friends of the Storks decided to ignore the legal provisions (immediate notification to the Environmental Guard by dispatcher 112) and transport the two specimens with a personal car from Sibiu to Zărneşti, Braşov county, over a distance of more than 150 km, without the supervision of a veterinarian, to deliver them to the Millions of Friends Association, which administers AMP Libearty – Sanctuary of Bears. They were also the representatives of the Millions of Friends Association who, around 5:00 p.m., notified the authorities about the case in question, informing that they will receive the two puppies.

Immediately after receiving the information, the commissioners of the Environmental Guard tried, for almost 4 hours, to contact the representatives of the Amigos de las Cigüeñas association, but neither the messages nor the repeated calls were successful. It wasn’t until around 9pm that they were contacted, after the puppies had already been delivered to Libearty.

Where did the Friends of Storks reps go wrong? 1. They did not immediately notify the Environmental Guard (through the single system 112) about the possession of cubs, thus breaching the provisions of GD 323/2010 (offense for which they have already been fined 10,000 lei, with the possibility of half of the minimum within 15 days, respectively 2,500 lei);

2. They did not immediately resort to the experience of a veterinarian, who should have analyzed the health of the specimens (although, being an animal protection organization, the Amigos de las Cigüeñas association has the services of a veterinarian);

3. The two bear cubs were illegally transported over a distance of 150 km, under unsuitable conditions and without the supervision of a veterinarian, from Cristian to Zărneşti (the act constitutes a crime and is being investigated by the Police Inspectorate of the County of Sibiu);

4. Repeatedly ignored calls and messages from GNM Commissioners;

5. They made the wrong decision themselves to deliver the puppies to Libearty Sanctuary. Although it is the best known in the country, the Libearty Sanctuary is intended exclusively for mature bears that, for various reasons, can no longer be rehabilitated. In this center, bears with health or behavioral problems can live their lives in good conditions, avoiding interaction with humans or other animals. In the case of bear cubs, however, the first option is always a special rehabilitation center for juvenile specimens, in order to reintroduce them into the wild. Or the Libearty Sanctuary doesn’t offer this kind of specialized service, the bears here live in captivity for the rest of their lives. Currently, specialists are examining the possibility of transferring the chicks to such a rehabilitation center, when their health permits.

Conclusions: although the Amigos de las Cigüeñas association has the undisputed merit of saving the two cubs, the way in which the representatives of this association acted is totally contrary to the legal provisions and could have caused the deterioration of health or even the death of specimens ”, specify the officials of the Ministry of the Environment.

According to them, the relocation of specimens of strictly protected species is carried out under direct guidance and only with the consent and supervision of state institutions.

“We recommend to all animal lovers who find themselves in similar situations in the future, to immediately request the intervention of the competent authorities. Only then can the best decisions and measures be taken for the good of the specimens in question.” Ministry officials said.

In addition, they present a case that they called “So Yes”, which also took place on Saturday in Biertan, where the protagonist is a bear cub of the same age as those who arrived in Zărneşti.

This morning, the Sibiu Environmental Guard was notified, through dispatcher 112, that several tourists found another bear cub and handed it over to a local. Bârghiş. Immediately, representatives of GNM, APM, DSVSA and IPJ Sibiu and the Milvus association attended the scene.The health of the bear cub was evaluated by a veterinarian, and then it was transferred to the Bear Orphanage Bear Again rehabilitation center for orphans Bears In Bălan, Harghita county, the bear will receive special treatment, without direct contact with humans and in a habitat identical to the natural one, so that it can be released, in a short time, in the forest, after it can procure its own food ” says the Ministry of the Environment.

On Friday, the Association “Friends of the storks” announced in a statement that it was fined by the Sibiu Environmental Guard with a fine of 10,000 lei, after the association’s volunteers rescued two cubs, abandoned near the commune of Biertan, who are currently in the sanctuary. from Zărneşti, in the county of Braşov, according to the president of the NGO, Miruna Gritu.

“Today 02.04.2021, the Association of Friends of Storks was fined by the Sibiu Environmental Guard with a fine of 10,000 lei, for its participation in the rescue of the two cubs found abandoned near the Biertan commune, Sibiu county .) Today I felt again that in this country animal life is not at the forefront, that the only thing that matters is the roles under which some hide their incompetence. If we had waited hours to wait for the relocation papers today perhaps we would be talking about two chicks.But because we acted to save them and decided to move quickly to the nearest bear sanctuary, we have to pay, but the only thing that matters to us is that the two lumps are now well and that they are well That they will be fine and will grow in a place where They will be protected for their entire lives. We will continue to fight for each injured animal and for each animal that will need our help with the same passion and stubbornness that we have been doing for for so many years. And with the hope that one day their lives really matter, not just for us, ”said Miruna Gritu.

According to the cited source, the Sibiu association went to take care of the bear cubs near Biertan, at the request of another NGO, which had discovered that the bears are sick and abandoned. On the way from Cristian to Biertan, where the bears were, the people of “Friends of the storks” assure that they tried to find out by phone how to proceed with several people employed in environmental institutions.

“The events happened like this: on Tuesday 03.30.2021, a representative of the Millions of Friends Association of Brasov called us to help in the case of two bear cubs found near a cabin in Sibiu county. Even before leaving for Biertan, I tried to find out exactly how we should proceed from different people from Sibiu’s environmental institutions ”, also shows Miruna Gritu.

After taking care of the bears, the Sibiu volunteers realized that their condition was not good and decided to transport them to Zărneşti, where there is a specialized bear sanctuary and personnel with experience in rescuing these animals.

“Upon reaching the bear cubs, I found that their lives were in danger due to advanced dehydration and severe diarrhea. I urgently went to Cristian with the bear cubs. On the way back I contacted representatives of various institutions by phone. in Sibiu in an attempt to find a legal solution to the situation we were in. Because the condition of the teddy bears was deteriorating more and more and because it seemed normal that we were mainly fighting for life, we urgently decided to leave with the teddy bears to Zarnesti for as soon When they arrived with the cubs in Zărneşti, the representatives of the Millions of Friends association took care of them and their collaborating doctor medically evaluated them. When I left Zărneşti, I discovered that I had a long list of missed calls from different representatives. institutions in Sibiu. I informed them that the cubs are safe in the bear sanctuary in Ză rneşti. They informed us that we will be invited to the headquarters of the Sibiu Environmental Guard to be heard in the presence of the representatives of the LEI-SAESP ”, Miruna Gritu also declared.

Cristian’s “Friends of the Storks” association is recognized locally as one of the most involved in the rescue of domestic and wild animals. On March 23, the policemen of the Animal Police Office of the Sibiu County Police Inspectorate issued the first order to place an abandoned horse in the shelter, taken by the Association “Friends of the storks” of the commune of Cristian , who took it in protection.

Those of Cristian’s “Friends of the Storks” are among the NGOs with which the Sibiu City Council signed a collaboration protocol to save the county’s animals.
