Minister Voiculescu published his diploma: Master’s degree completed at the age of 27, equivalent during the Government of Cioloş – News from the sources


On Tuesday evening, the Minister of Health, Vlad Voiculescu, posted on Facebook his diploma, issued by the Vienna University of Economics and Business, in Austria, as well as a certificate on its equivalence with a master’s degree in business administration , specialization in business administration.

The attestation document has the logo of the National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas within the Ministry of National Education and was issued in January 2016 by the director Gabriela Marilena Leţcai.

“Based on OMECŞ. No. 5269/2015 and the legality opinion no. 1138 issued by the General Legal Directorate on 01.15.2016, it is proven that the diploma of studies, issued by the University of Economics and Business of Vienna, Republic from Austria, on 04.10.2011, Mr. Vasile-Voiculescu Vlad, is equivalent to a master’s degree (cycle II) in the field of business administration, specialization in business administration. The same rights with graduates of educational institutions similar accredited superiors from Romania and is valid with the presentation of the diploma mentioned above in original “, indicates the cited document.

Vlad Voiculescu has recently been accused of not having a bachelor’s degree. According to the published certificate, the bachelor’s and master’s studies were carried out together, therefore only one diploma was issued, the master’s. Still, Voiculescu graduated only at the age of 27. The equivalence of studies was carried out during the Government of Cioloş, when the current Minister of Health was the cabinet director of the Minister of Finance, Anca Dragu. The certificate issued by the Ministry of Education has obvious writing problems, including a comma between the subject and the predicate.
