Minister of Health ANNOUNCES RADICAL changes to the health law: ‘obsolete’ – News from sources


Health units must remain under the coordination of the Ministry of Health and the Health Law needs to be updated, as it is “out of date,” Health Minister Nelu Tătaru said Thursday, given that the report on the Emergency Hospital of the Suceava “San Juan el Nuevo” County showed that several deficiencies were detected, one of them aimed at planning the reaction and protection against the health crisis of COVID-19.

“What happened in Suceava must be a lesson for all of us. After lifting the state of emergency, we will have a lot of work to reorganize and rationalize the health system. I think, during another period, the health units should remain under coordination of the ministry. ” “It is also necessary to update the Health Law, because the current option is outdated,” Tataru said, according to a press release sent to AGERPRES.

A military team led by Major General in the Reserve Ionel Oprea, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health, took over the management of the Suceava County Emergency Hospital from April 2 to 30.

The Secretary of State sent a report to the Minister of Health after the end of the mission, showing that several deficiencies have been found in the planning of the response and protection against the health crisis COVID-19, as well as in alerting and training of medical equipment.

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According to the report, the management of the institution “was no longer efficient”, the Medical Council was not officially convened since February, the functional structure of the hospital was “reduced”, the sectors in which patients with COVID-19 were hospitalized, UPU operated with a “harm” capacity The cause of “minimal” staffing – about 15%, and the protection of staff, with the exception of people from UPU, the Infectious Diseases Sector and the Sector of Internal Diseases – COVID-19, was “inadequate, inadequate, improvised”.

The document also reveals that management of the risk of infection outside the hospital was not assured, and the testing capacity was reduced and “it failed to cover”, in due course, the needs of the investigation.

“On May 1, 2020, a functional hospital was handed over to the new interim administration, which is legitimate and enjoys the trust and support of all hospital staff, who have competent administrative experience, have clear and systematic action plans Well-established goals have the appropriate authority and leadership potential, “the statement said.

In addition, the activities of the Medical Council and the Steering Committee were resumed at the “appropriate” level to requests and collaboration with members of the Hospital Board of Directors was “intensified” and administrative documents – ROI, ROF, operating procedures , requirements and functional circuits, COVID-19’s operationalization and specific response to the health crisis were updated, analyzed and approved.

“The hospital is prepared for the epidemic escalation / escalation of COVID-19. The following is provided: individual protection of personnel in accordance with legal regulations, functional circuits and specific crisis diagnosis / treatment areas. Human resources are recovered in a significant proportion. Risk of infection of the personnel has been reduced to the maximum (protective clothing, functional circuits, personnel training, in-service relationships), “indicates the cited source.

According to the Ministry of Health, during the mission, the team led by the Secretary of State took measures on the individual protection of personnel, the establishment of specific functional circuits, the institutionalized quarantine of health personnel, control of compliance with the regulations of individual protection and functional circuits by hospital employees.

In addition, a phased plan was developed for the gradual operationalization of Suceava County Emergency Hospital to achieve maximum responsiveness, and procedures, protocols and practice guidelines were developed, approved and implemented in the diagnosis, treatment and care of COVID patients. 19, and all medical personnel were evaluated. At the same time, the unit’s SARS-CoV-2 test capacity was increased.

According to the cited source, a classification admission ward – IT was designed for the Infectious Diseases Sector and several modular units of protected access for hospital staff: changing room, protective equipment sector, decontamination for each access / circuit in the hospital.
