Mind-blowing warning from the WHO representative! Romania is in great danger


Alarm signal triggered by Alexandru Rafila, related to the state of the health system. All hospitals must treat COVID and non-COVID patients, the Romanian representative warned. World Health Organizationme, Alexandru Rafila. This would be done sooner or later, according to him, a quick rethinking of the ability to provide medical care is needed.

The third consecutive day with more than 2,000 cases of coronavirus

“It is the third day in a row with more than 2,000 cases. Which has an effect on those in intensive care. Let’s see how far this growth goes.

We will see if we approach a plateau area. And there we expect a stabilization or if this growth continues, I think we should discuss strategies adapted to various scenarios, for the uptrend, for stabilization to see what we do for each one.

Especially since there are limits to the medical system. The situation is very serious and it must be treated as such ”, revealed Alexandru Rafila.

Alexandru Rafila, on the manufacture of the flu vaccine

“We are a bit lucky this year, because the circulation of influenza viruses was less than we expected for this period. Not only in Romania, but in general, globally,” said Alexandru Rafila.

The doctor explains why it is good to get a flu shot after October 15.

“This suggests that we can get vaccinated without problems after October 15, November, we can get vaccinated to get a protective immunity that will last as long as possible next year. Because if we get vaccinated very early, for example on September 1, then immunity “ends” a little bit faster, “explained the doctor.

“It is not a problem. If the vaccine will be administered at the end of November, there is no problem,” added Rafila.

What Alexandru Rafila recommends

“It is necessary to quickly rethink the ability to provide medical care. Because we see what is happening and the need to ensure hospitalization and treatment of COVID patients with other pathologies must be correlated. I mean, I think, sooner or later, other hospitals that were not COVID hospitals should be able to treat both categories of patients, ”said Alexandru Rafila, according to antenna3.ro.
