Mind-blowing theory. Will Joe Biden be replaced as president? Here are the clues


Beyond frequent memory loss, Joe Biden has, more recently, other problems. Fears over the health of the future White House tenant exploded after he incessantly coughed and lost his voice during a speech. The president-elect’s oratory performance has raised concerns and countless comments on social media, writes the British newspaper express.co.uk.

Worse than any health problem is the investigation into his son Hunter, which could become the first crisis of the new White House administration.

“Hunter Biden’s tax investigation threatens to cause trouble for Joe Biden’s presidency, and experts warn that” this is a

big problem”.

The president-elect’s son, Hunter, announced last week that he is being investigated by the US prosecutor’s office in Delaware for tax issues. He was reportedly asked to provide information about his work to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, as well as documents related to his trade relations with China.

Hunter remained defiant in a statement last week, saying: “I first discovered yesterday that the Delaware US Attorney’s Office informed me that they are investigating my tax business. (…) I take this issue very seriously, but I am I am sure that a professional and objective investigation on these matters will show that I have managed my business in a legal and proper way, even thanks to the help that I have received from professional tax advisers.

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And Joe Biden seems convinced that Hunter is as clean as a tear. When a reporter asked the president-elect if Hunter had committed a crime, the president-elect responded, “I’m proud of my son.” However, experts are not so sure that everything will end well, said Mike Sullivan, a former IRS (Internal Revenue Service) auditor who has worked with American attorneys on many tax-related cases, Bloomberg said: “No agency a government like this will not do this (an investigation) unless it has enough information to be successful in court. “The Justice Department does not take cases at random because that would make investigators look stupid,” reported the British newspaper Express. .

Tucker Carlson’s abracadabra theory

All these developments remind the general public in the United States of the theory launched six days ago by television director Tucker Carlson (Fox News). Here’s what the man on television who supported Trump during the campaign says: “We know there are strong forces within the Democratic Party that don’t like Joe Biden. They believe that Joe Biden is too masculine, too white, and too connected to politics as he was before, when there was a functional constitution that offered verification and balance of power. Those people would like to replace Joe Biden and jump right into that part of history where Kamala Harris and her sponsors lead America. And it’s hard to believe they will wait four years to do that, “notes Fox News.
