Min. Health announces the first sanctions in the vaccination campaign. In Rădăuți, 563 people were vaccinated before being eligible


The Suceava Public Health Directorate carried out a check on the vaccination center within the Rădăuți Municipal Hospital, where several irregularities were found in the development of the vaccination campaign. Between January 15 and 23, 563 people who were not eligible in the current stages of vaccination were immunized at this center.

The coordinator of the vaccination center of Rădăuți hospital, Suceava county, was fined 5,000 lei.

Statement from the Ministry of Health:

„At the request of the Ministry of Health, the health inspectors of the Suceava Public Health Directorate carried out a check at the vaccination center within the Rădăuți Municipal Hospital, after it was verified that between 15 and 23 January 2021 563 people were immunized at this center marked as eligible for stage III vaccination.

The objective of the control was to verify the application of the Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19 in Romania in this center.

At the time of the check, DSP Suceava inspectors found that the people who came to be vaccinated at the vaccination center were not registered in the Rovaccination application based on the CNP or in the patient lists scheduled for the current day. The lists of patients for the current day were sent by WhatsApp by the coordinating doctor of DSP to the medical director of the hospital and then redirected by this to the staff that guards the center to allow access to the programmed patient unit.

In the vaccination center, patients were received based on printed appointments or text messages, and in the case of patients scheduled by the family doctor, based on his statement.

The health inspectors reviewed the lists of scheduled patients and found that they are patients for whom not all the fields of the programming platform are filled (the identification data of the scheduled is not entered and there is no field in which to pass population category it is a part of, making it difficult to check the programming mode).

The vaccination center within the hospital was organized for medical personnel included in the first stage of vaccination, then the activity of the center was extended to the personnel of the second stage, in the municipality of Rădăuți there are no other open community centers.

It was also found that the vaccination center was not re-optimized for the second stage of vaccination and for a greater number of vaccination requests. The staff is not provided for all the points of the center structure, being brought in from the hospital, by rotation.

Following the findings, the following measures are applied and the following recommendations are made:

  1. The coordinating physician of the center was fined 5,000 lei, according to GD 857/2011 for establishing and sanctioning infractions of the rules on public health.
  2. The sanitary inspectors recommended the retraining of the personnel regarding the use and operation of the computer media, the fulfillment of the legal dispositions (WHO no. 2171/2020) on the registries of the vaccinated persons and the fulfillment of the provisions of GD 103 / 2020 2171/2020 for the establishment of the Rules regarding the authorization, organization and operation of vaccination centers against Covid-19 ”.

Publisher: RK
