Millions of students and parents are watching the calendar. The latest plan of the Ministry of Education


Sorin Cîmpeanu affirms that the first emergency related to education in Romania is the way in which schools will be reopened, as the epidemiological situation must allow it.

“In Education I can say that we have a series of emergencies. Emergencies that are mainly related to how we will be able to open schools as soon as possible from an epidemiological perspective, starting even gradually with kindergartens and primary education, continuing with secondary, secondary and university education. We have already prioritized kindergartens and primary education. We want this.

We must take into account the evolution, especially of this new form that the virus has acquired, which unfortunately has children in the center of attention. We need to see how other states do the same, we need to consult with those who have the competence to decide on the epidemiological perspective and all this because of the desire to reopen schools as soon as possible. We know, they must open according to the calendar on January 11, the second semester begins on February 8, this is a zero emergency, “said Cîmpeanu.

How many students would return to school in January?

“The education system includes more than 3 million students, more than 500 thousand students, hundreds of thousands of teachers and teaching staff, each of us has children who are pupils or students, each of us is connected to the educational system. It is the largest public system in any country.

It is the system that, together with the health system, paid the highest costs during this very specific period of the pandemic, ”said the new minister.

What budget does Education receive?

“Another urgency is the construction of the budget, because as I said yesterday, I declare today and I will declare every day, my term as Minister of Education will be with the mandate on the table. Daily. For education and resources are needed. You need financial resources with which to attract and motivate human resources. Education without teachers cannot be done, we must understand that.

It needs resources for infrastructure and Internet access to reduce the degree of inequality in the Romanian educational system. For all these things you need financial resources.

You see, financial resources are being discussed as of now, we are building the budget. Although it is later, due to the parliamentary elections, it could not start earlier, but now the parliamentary elections were, we have a government, we must focus as a priority on when the schools will open and what budget will Education have. These are emergencies ”, concluded the new minister, according to Edupedu.
