Millions of elderly locked up in homes! Besides that, the project comes from PSD. What is the “big party”


Adrian Streinu Cercel, the second Senate candidate on the PSD Bucharest list, affirms that he will sign into law his bill called “Vacanţa Mare”, which he proposed in April this year and which also included economic measures that should be implemented. during a pandemic.

Vacanța Mare, a new project for Romania

“The great party will not be a project, it will be transformed into a legislative framework, a law and it will certainly not be called ‘Great Party”, “said Adrian Streinu Cercel on Sunday, at a press conference. He also said that the authorities had made “legislation on their knees” for the management of the health crisis, which “went wrong” and promised that he would try, as a deputy to Parliament, to propose laws to be applied in conditions of health crisis. .

“I will try to come up with a lot of legislative frameworks to help us in pandemic conditions. For us, the pandemic found us completely exposed. When I said we didn’t have quarantine legislation, we didn’t hear that. It took us a few months to hear about the quarantine legislation. That! it shouldn’t happen again!

We will certainly get rid of this pandemic, like many of us, I don’t know, but we will get rid of it. The other generations will come who must also be protected and know in advance what they have to do, we have written legislation now on our knees, because that was the moment. I wrote it on my knees, it came out with errors. Very few, that is not the problem, it is important that we have something to use and we must put it into practice. Then we changed them “obviously” said Streinu Cercel.

They proposed the isolation of the elderly!

Regarding the controversial proposal to isolate the elderly so that they are protected from the risk of contagion, the head of the Institute “Matei Balş” assures that he never said “that the elderly must be isolated, absolutely never”, but that they must “be given a opportunity, to keep them away ”.

“Whoever wants their parents to isolate them, to protect them from disease. (…) Ultimately, the government steps in and provides places where these people can go to be safe. We don’t care about them, we don’t care if they get sick, then the program does not apply, “he added, according to RomaniaTV.
