Military ordinance 12. Suceava is released from quarantine. Vela: “you are our heroes”


The quarantine measure in Suceava and 8 neighboring communes is being lifted, beginning this afternoon, Interior Minister Marcel Vela announced.

This is how military Ordinance no. 12, in a press release.

“The quarantine measure is being lifted in Suceava and in the neighboring area consisting of the following eight communes: Adâncata, Salcea, Ipotești, Bosanci, Moara, Șcheia, Pătrăuți and Mitocu Dragomirnei,” the minister announced.

He thanked the people of Suceava for protecting their families and protecting those in the rest of the country from the spread of the coronavirus.

“You are our heroes, you are winners,” he said.

“Military ordinances have only strengthened this wall against an invisible and extremely aggressive enemy. It made us realize that we are stronger together. Since there is no future without the present, there can be no nation without unity. We must treat each day responsibly , thinking about our health and the health of those close to us. In a battle that was a surprise, we found the strength to unite and be responsible, “said Vela.

“We know what we have to do today: respect social distance, from wearing a mask to simply washing our hands for 20 seconds. We have all adapted continuously and consistently. In this battle, there was often no sketch or prediction of a Exact result, because the enemy was invisible, dangerous and aggressive. Maybe there were many times when each of us was amazed by this deadly danger. I am sure there were times when we thought about your well-being and how we can make you feel as little as possible in this battle that was not and is not easy, “said Marcel Vela.
