Mike Pompeo says Russia is behind the worst cyber attack on the US government


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo believes Russia is behind the worst cyber espionage attack on the US government.

“We can say with certainty that the Russians were involved in this activity,” Mike Pompeo told BBC News on Friday. Russia has denied any involvement.

The attack was aimed at the American software company SolarWinds, but was discovered last week. The operation began several months ago and specialists are still not sure what information the Russians have obtained so far.

Among the US agencies targeted by the cyberattack are those managing nuclear weapons. According to the US Department of Energy, the security arsenal has not been compromised.

The cyber attack, called the Sunburst, is one of the most serious attacks of all time. Hackers gained access to some of the largest organizations after compromising the Orion network management program, developed by the SolarWinds company. The company said 18,000 of the 300,000 customers could have been affected.

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