Mihalache, the man who hurt Koljic, is devastated: “That’s what he lived for


Poli Iași’s central defender Mihalache had a delayed inning as he slid over Koljic in midfield. The Bosnian forward’s leg caught in the ground and was followed by a terrible scream of pain. Everyone in the stadium raised their hands to their heads, aware of the severity of the injury.

Mihalache, marked by Koljic’s injury

“I’m really sorry. I’ve never hit anyone in my life. I’m 35 years old and I’ve only had two tomatoes in my entire career. I know what it’s like to be injured. I’m really sorry. There lives a footballer of this. I took your bread … sorry, what more can I say.

The first time I was surprised that I also came out yellow, then the referee looked at Koljic and saw that it was serious. I also figured out what to comment on. I also had injuries. I saw reruns dozens of times. So sorry. I apologize to your family. I have no words.

I will call him, but my apologies are to no avail. I don’t even know how to proceed. After turning red, I didn’t even watch the game. I sat in the locker room and then went to the bus. Sorry for him, he could have taken 15 red cards, “Mihalache told Look Sport.


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