Mihai Tudose, SPARKLING OUT to Florin Cîțu: Losers, don’t put the razor in the monkey’s hand – Source News


Mihai Tudose, the former Prime Minister of Romania, strongly criticizes the NLP’s appointment of Florin Cîțu to the post of Prime Minister of Romania. Tudose says that Florin Cîțu has a long list of failures as finance minister and that he is not the best option for the head of government.

“Appeal to the defeated …

Don’t put the razor in the monkey’s hand! Much attention is paid to the risks derived from the NLP proposal contrary to the will of the voters, manifested as a consolation prize for the loss of the elections, with respect to the Mâțu government. Did the Romanians opt for the NLP government or for Mâțu as prime minister? No!

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Record budget deficit after the Revolution: -10% in 2020. Suicidal debt: in 12 months, Mâțu made debts of 20 billion euros, as Romania accumulated in the first 20 years after the fall of Ceausescu. We have had the steepest economic recession in the EU this year and we have the slowest recovery. In the third quarter, the rest of the EU recovered the entire fall of the second quarter, only Romania recovered only 46% of the decline.

This is the balance of the great financier Mâțu, the nut genie. The impact of the pandemic has been doubled, in our country, by a catastrophic government. As a reward, does NLP promote Prime Minister to Mâțu ?! …

Losers, don’t put the razor in the monkey’s hand! This unconscious will cut the jugular of Romania!

PD: And as if the tragedy were not enough, we learned from within the “negotiations” that nobody wants Health and Education …..

God protect us from these pagans! “, Tudose writes on Facebook.
