Mihai Chirica, infected with coronavirus. How does the mayor of Iași feel?


The Mayor of Iași, Mihai Chirica, was positively confirmed in the COVID-19 test. She took the test today, and based on information at this time, she has no symptoms.

Mihai Chirica had it on Friday and the result indicated the presence of the new coronavirus in his body.

The mayor made the announcement on his Facebook page:

Dear people of Iași,

True to my promise to always be honest with you, my fellow citizens, I want to inform you that I tested positive for COVID-19. I did this test after finding out that some of my co-workers contracted the new coronavirus.

I let them know that I have isolated myself, I feel normal and that in the next period I will follow the treatment scheme recommended by the specialists to keep the disease under control. As soon as the doctors consider me cured, I will go back to work. Until then, I appoint Mr. Deputy Mayor Radu Botez to assume the functions of mayor, a colleague with whom I will consult permanently.

It is a very good time to repeat the impulses to be responsible and supportive in this difficult period for everyone.

Dear Iași members, take care of each other, beware of illnesses and do not forget that health is a gift.

Thanks for understand!”

According to Ziarul de Iași, four other cases of COVID-19 have been reported at the Iași City Hall, including Deputy Mayor Gabriel Harabagiu, On his return from a pilgrimage to Greece, the director of the Directorate of Public Relations and Transparency of Decisions of the Iasi City Council, Vasile Tiron.
