Mihai Albu claims that his ex-wife offended him in front of his little girl. “I don’t have to explain to my son what ‘expired old man’ means.” Entertainment | Freedom


Mihai Albu told his version during the Antena Stars program, where he confessed that he only wants to be allowed to spend time with his daughter.

“I don’t know if she is necessarily seeking justice. She implies that I ruined her image. I don’t quite understand what she wants. I’m not commenting on this, just the relationship with my son. I would like to respect the court’s decision.

Mihai Albu claims that his ex-wife offended him in front of his little girl.

It is something universal, it is about the weekend one and three of the month, that is, four days and two weeks of summer holidays and different parts of the rest of the holidays.

I don’t understand why they don’t follow them, which are simple rules. This year the girl should be Christmas for my mother and New Year for me.

I hope so, I wish! Because I didn’t see my daughter in San Miguel and Gabriel, because she got a restraining order for a few hours.

I was not allowed to get closer than 100 meters. The next day the order was lifted because there were no good reasons, because it all started with Julia’s concubine, who told me that he was the legal father of the child, and my answer was that “if I had a gun” I laughed and said he was joking.

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That allusion was in the idea that he attacked me and that I felt unjustified, “Mihai Albu said in a telephone interview during the” Star Morning “program, according to Spynews.

“I am the one who did not see my son. I did not see my son for three months, after the incident I filed a criminal complaint. In the end, he must answer to the law for breach of the law.

In any case, the boy told me many things that are said about me there, related to my appearance, my age, it doesn’t seem normal to me to be treated like this. I am 58 years old, but I don’t have to explain to my son what “deceased old man” means.

This is an example, but I don’t want to comment further on that, I let her act. I think we should see the best interests of the child, not ours, ”he also mentioned.

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