Mihaela Rădulescu confirmed the relationship! It was already known on Pro TV. The rumor was true


Although in Romanian show business, bad words indicated a separation between the two, after a relationship of 6 years, the situation is completely different between the two. According to the interview in VIVA! Magazine, Mihaela Rădulescu is separated from Felix Baumgartner, but only because of the coronavirus pandemic, not because of misunderstandings.

The Pro TV diva thus put an end to all the rumors that indicated the breakup of the famous author of some of the most dangerous stunts in history. In addition, Mihaela Rădulescu left it understood that she completely misses her life partner, but also her son, whom she could no longer see due to the pandemic.

For 6 years, people have “wanted” them apart

One of the most appreciated Pro TV stars accused the fact that their relationship lasted so many years despite pessimists who did not believe in the permanence of this connection. At the same time, Mihaela Rădulescu pointed out that it was customary for the tabloid press to continue to speculate that he would have problems with Felix.

“For 6 years, from the first month, the world has separated us. From the beginning of the relationship, the entire Romanian press was looking for something. If Felix was taking a picture of a girl, fan, that’s it, it was his new girlfriend. If I was taking a picture with someone, the new boyfriend was ready …

I found that it is much better to give as little detail as possible, because all I would give is like them. I don’t see the effort by which I would say, when I see someone separating us at least once a month. People prefer to speculate about unhappiness and separation than to enjoy the happiness of others ”, confessed Mihaela Rădulescu.

Mihaela Rădulescu waits for the return to normality

The presenter of the program Ferma pointed out that the distance did not cool the relationship with Felix Baumgartner, but quite the opposite. Taking advantage of the technical benefits of today, the two kept the flame of their love, speaking on FaceTime. “I tell you directly that this is a time when we have been very far apart. First of all, this pandemic has thrown us all into one country.

I was without a son, without a man. This is a difficult time for me from this point of view. I’ve never been so long without the two vital people in my life. I didn’t really see them face to face, I only saw them on Facetime. We can’t put together an image for about six months, even if we want to, because we can’t.

We have nothing in the life of a normal couple, from this point of view. When it happens that we go where I don’t know where, “our life is more about airplanes, hotels or places we’ve never been,” Mihaela Rădulescu also told viva.ro.

photo: Mihaela Rădulescu and Felix Baumgartner
