Methods to get rid of herpes quickly


The cause of oral herpes is contact with a virus called Herpes Simplex type 1 or HSV-1 through direct contact with infected lesions or biological fluids such as saliva. Therefore, herpes prevention measures include avoiding contact with personal hygiene items used by people suffering from herpes.

Since stress and low immunity weaken the body and predispose you to various diseases, it is also advisable in this case to reduce stressful periods as much as possible and adopt methods to increase your body’s ability to fight pathogens.

Herpes usually goes away spontaneously within 10 days. Most treatments attack the symptoms, not the cause, that is, the virus, and they act quickly when applied to the first symptoms.

In pharmacies, you can buy anti-inflammatory creams without a prescription, which alleviate the discomfort caused by herpes. Oral antiviral medications should be recommended by your doctor. However, they can be ineffective after 3-4 days from the onset of herpes.

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Ointments dry herpes

Natural remedies can help when you have herpes, but if you don’t want to get mad too often, see a dermatologist or family doctor. Children, pregnant women, and those who know they are immunosuppressed need specialist advice and treatment. The blisters around the nose or mouth can be very painful. In these cases, antiviral ointments keep the disease from getting worse. It is usually applied twice a day and dries blisters, which come off. Also, there is no risk of leaving traces.

Patches can also speed healing. Apply in the place where herpes occurs and change three times a day, it acts in a short time. Its advantage is that they are aesthetic, hiding the blisters.


Glycine cream treats herpes and prevents the disease from recurring in a short time. Use it 3-4 times a day for good results.

Also read What happens if you put garlic on herpes?

Rapid effect treatments

If ointments keep the affected area moist, ask your family doctor to prescribe tablets or patches. Antiviral tablets stop the progression of herpes, relieve pain, and shorten the duration of herpes.

Follow the treatment as recommended by your doctor, respecting the duration and number of tablets. It is good to continue the treatment for a few more days after the symptoms of herpes disappear.

As the treatment accelerates healing, but does not attack the herpes virus, after the lesions disappear, the virus remains in the body and the disease may recur.

Pay attention to the factors that favor relapses!

Herpes lesions can recur under certain conditions. The most exposed people are pregnant women, those diagnosed with infectious diseases or who have recently suffered an emotional shock. And when you go through a very stressful period or when your immune system is tested, problems with herpes can arise.

Find out which natural remedies help you to eliminate herpes HERE quickly
