Methods that alleviate menopausal symptoms.


Menopause is not a flower for anyone, but those annoying symptoms that cause you so much discomfort and make you an “emotional time bomb” can be much easier if you follow 5 simple steps. , sleep problems, dehydrated skin, vaginal dryness and layers of fat and rediscover your femininity and zest for life through some minor but important changes in your lifestyle.

Exercise regularly

– Go for a walk or jog as often as possible, as this type of exercise stimulates the growth of bone tissue and increases bone density. Exercise is a great way to neutralize the effects of reducing estrogen levels that occur in menopause.
– Physical strength training exercises are also indicated, which have the benefit of fighting stress, helping you to fall asleep more easily and keeping the weight of your body under control.
– Aerobic exercises should be the order of the day: it reduces hot flashes and, in addition, promotes the health of the heart, lungs and brain, which reduces the risk of memory loss.
– Try yoga or other relaxation techniques once or twice a week; They will help you deal with hot flashes and get rid of night sweats.

Improve your diet

– The “5 a day” rule still applies when it comes to a balanced diet. Of course, these are five servings a day of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy protein (chicken, fish, and These foods help regulate blood sugar levels and keep you energized and in a good mood.
– Foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, such as skim milk, vegetables, beans and fish, improve digestion and intestinal transit. The result: bloating and constipation disappear.
– Include soy products on the menu (such as soy milk). They also reduce hot flashes, but also cholesterol levels and the risk of osteoporosis.
– Increase the intake of Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids stabilize sudden mood swings and protect your heart. The best natural source of Omega-3 is fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and trout.
– Choose foods that contain phytoestrogens, such as tofu, oatmeal, almonds, brown rice, and garlic. As estrogen production decreases at menopause, these plant hormones help maintain the body’s hormonal balance.
– Avoid stimulants to avoid problems with hot flashes: coffee, alcohol, chocolate, hot spices.
– Stay away from sweets to limit sugar intake. When the pancreas is overloaded, it produces more insulin to regulate blood sugar. In turn, insulin turns calories into fat and you don’t want to weigh your eyes anymore.
– Eat less salt: it facilitates water retention and increases the risk of hypertension. This means not only taking table salt, but also giving up on sausages and processed foods, as they are high in salt.

Take vitamins and mineral supplements.

– Calcium and vitamin D strengthen bones and prevent the onset of osteoporosis, while reducing the risk of fractures associated with this disease.
– Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which is effective in skin problems, weight gain, and bone loss associated with menopause. Vitamin C also reduces fatigue and the risk of depression.
– Vitamin E can be useful against hot flashes. Another reason to take vitamin E supplements is its properties to lower blood pressure, slow the aging of cells and tissues, and support brain health.

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