Melero Marín, the puppeteer behind Pablo Cortacero, broke the silence. What he says about his participation in Dinamo


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Considered by many as the man who managed the new Dinamo project from the shadows, Melero Marín assures that he did not receive money from the transfers made by Pablo Cortacero’s men: “Whoever says this is a scoundrel!

Never in my life have I received a euro from Dinamo or from someone associated with this club. I have nothing else to say “said Melero Marin of

Why, in fact, Juan Melero withdrew from the Dinamo project

Toma Săpașu, close to Dinamo’s new management, revealed that Juan Melero withdrew from the project because Pablo Cortacero, the club’s majority shareholder, did not pay him the commission he owed for the business, amounting to 62,500 euros.

Mr. Șerdean is put on commission, he has to take 62,500 euros. Each of us has to take the same amount. And Mr. Melero had to take this commission, so he withdrew, because Mr. Cortacero did not make that payment to him. Mr. Cortacero is zero, he has no restrictions, he has no money“Toma Săpașu said, on Prosport Live.

Juan Melero was the man who controlled the business at the beginning, after which Dinamo went from Ionuț Negoiță to Pablo Cortacero. Cosmin Contra He even announced that Melero was the one who offered him certain guarantees, which brought him back to the team, although he had much more tempting offers from the Gulf area.

Now, after the retirement of Juan Melero, the club was led by Pablo Cortacero, Alex Couto and Dorin Șerdean, but the situation is far from heading. The majority shareholder has consistently promised to contribute the money necessary to cover the debts, but even after more than three months, the financial situation of the club has not improved.

Dinamo finished 2020 in tenth place, with 16 points. Chindia occupies the last position that ensures the presence in the play-off, with 20 points.

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