Megan Markle was a “princess” before she married Harry


“After the camera is turned off, it is not the friendliest,” the cameraman told He revealed that Meghan Markle had strict rules and prohibited filming her legs.

“She was rude and mischievous,” the image operator explained, noting that the actress was the type of man who claimed that a large number of people at his disposal set a set of rules, including not filming his legs.

His team is something like the characters in the movie “Bad Girls”, a gang that always watches people to laugh at them.

At one point he noticed that Meghan had a dry and dehydrated voice, so he suggested that she drink water, but she declined and said she did not want to “sound like a robot.”

The video operator added that Meghan Marke was easy to work with on set. After saying “action”, he knows how to do his job. But after the camera stopped, she wasn’t the kindest person. “

Now he wouldn’t work with her if asked, says the cameraman. “I wasn’t impressed with her and I’m surprised that she loved the guy (Harry).”

Meghan’s feet became a hot topic of conversation after taking off her shoes during a royal tour of New Zealand, revealing what some thought was a scar from a mountain removal operation.

And then it became obvious to the cameraman’s team why during a shoot a few years earlier, Meghan said she “hates her feet,” writes
