Medical premiere expected by all: a revolutionary treatment has cured breast cancer in the last stage


June 5, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

A woman with advanced breast cancer has been completely cured of a new therapy in which doctors have increased the strength of the immune system to fight tumors.

It is the first time in history that an advanced patient has been successfully treated with some form of immunotherapy that uses the patient’s immune system to find and destroy cancer cells that have formed in the body.

Florida engineer Judy Perkins was 49 when she was selected for radical new therapy after a series of unsuccessful rounds of chemotherapy in an attempt to prevent the tumor from spreading from her right breast to the liver and other organs. .

At that time, the doctors gave him three years to live.

The doctors who treated her at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland, USA. In the US, they say the patient’s response to treatment was “remarkable”: The therapy destroyed the cancer cells so that she was healthy for two years.

“My condition deteriorated a lot towards the end and the tumor pressed on a nerve, which means I spent my time trying not to move so as not to feel pain.” I had given up the fight, “says Perkins.” After the treatment dissolved most of my tumor, I was able to walk 60 kilometers. “

Laszlo Radvanyi, scientific director of the Ontario Cancer Research Institute, who has not been involved in treating the patient, says “it is an unprecedented response to treatment in such an advanced form of breast cancer.”

Success gives hope to millions of people around the world who suffer from breast cancer and other forms, such as ovarian and prostate cancer, which are very difficult to treat.

The researchers are now planning large-scale clinical trials to see how effective the treatment could be.


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May 1, 2020, time: 12:33 p.m.

The great

Propaganda, manipulation, fake news are the basic tools of Igor Dodon’s government. Everything that moves in this state, including the pandemic crisis, is used exclusively for the electoral interests of Igor Dodon and the group he leads.

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