Mayor Apostol Mușat, LAST WISH after the conviction in “Ferma Băneasa”: I want to know, before leaving for a better world, why you condemned me


Apostol Mușat, former mayor of Snagov, at the Jilava Prison Hospital, asks the judges who sentenced him, in the case “Granja Băneasa, to four years in prison, to give reasons for the decision before his death. He has little left to live and spends the last months of his life behind bars, convicted of enforcing two court decisions.

Here is the letter addressed to the judges, according to

”Judge Ionuț Matei, Judge Florentina Dragomir, Judge Ioana Ilie

“I am the (still) living testimony of ‘calculations in justice'”

I am writing this open letter to you and my family at a difficult time. I hope that these lines, which can no longer help me too much, can help awaken your conscience, thus saving other people who come to your judgment and, being innocent, have a wise decision, which reflects the truth. Not to be deprived of liberty even if they have not broken the law. As you did with me and other ‘colleagues’ on the case. Let this great judicial abuse, which will undoubtedly prove itself (I regret not taking advantage of this moment), a start in correcting the judicial system in Romania, offer any litigant the guarantee of a fair trial. The courtroom should be the place where justice is shared, not a place where various political or economic situations are resolved, at the behest of certain insiders. They are the (still) living testimony of the ‘calculations in justice’. A made-to-order case, with purposes unrelated to the charges in the case.

I am currently in the Jilava Penitentiary Hospital. I received a 4-year sentence for abuse of office, consisting in that I implemented two final and irrevocable judicial decisions, which went through judicial appeals, a total of 10 judges. He would have committed a crime if he had not respected the final and irrevocable decision of some judges.

You, Mr. Matei, Ms. Dragomir, Ms. Ilie, you condemned me because I respected the law with holiness.

“You can’t do anything for me anymore.” Last wish

A week ago, the medical staff at Jilava Hospital informed me that my health is very serious due to the multiple metastases discovered. It seems that this sentence of December 17, 2020 affected me deeply. There is nothing you can do for me anymore.

As a “last wish” I want to show that “corruption in justice” kills, that the bodies of the profile, the interested parties, study my case, rehabilitate myself morally (at least) if those exposed by me will be found to be true and, why no, take measures so that these abuses are no longer possible.

Honorable Fully C4 of the ICCJ, I was obliged to communicate within 30 days the reason for the decision for which I was sentenced. 105 days have passed.

According to the doctors, I have about a month or two to live. Do you think they are enough for me to read the reasons why you thought you should take away my freedom and, behold, my life?

I want to know, before I go to a better world, why they condemned me. How will you justify such injustice? I don’t ask for mercy, I don’t make selfish requests! I ask you to respect the law. “
