Massive contamination in the Capital, for the second time in the last week. Exceedances of more than 400% of the maximum allowed level were recorded


On Saturday night, around 9:00 p.m., the independent air quality monitoring network exceeded more than 400% of the maximum level allowed for dust particles in the capital.

As can be seen in the images, almost all the sensors were compared in red, orange or yellow, which means large exceedances of the maximum limits allowed and safe for the health of the population.

It happened in the conditions in which it was at night and at the weekend, when the traffic was almost zero. And the network of the Ministry of the Environment recorded exceedances in one of the 8 stations. This morning, the level of contamination has dropped.

Csibi Magor, middle activist: I don’t think the pollution figures have necessarily increased, but in the last few years we have started to really measure and observe how big the disaster is around us. As long as Romania is an importer of waste, as long as there has been no improvement in traffic in the big cities, it is very difficult to notice improvements.

Ministry of the Environment: Pollutant concentrations increase in almost all stations in the country

The Ministry of the Environment announced that, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, high concentrations of pollutants monitored were registered in almost all stations in the country.

“During the night of October 24 to 25 (approximately between 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m.) the concentrations of pollutants monitored within the National Air Quality Monitoring Network increased in almost all monitoring stations in the country,” they said. Sunday ministry officials.

According to them, climatic factors influenced the dispersion of pollutants and caused increases in values.

„Regarding the Bucharest-Ilfov agglomeration, the value of the concentrations of PM2.5 compared to that of PM10 (approx. 80%) indicates the existence of combustion processes carried out at the beginning of the afternoon, favoring the increase of concentrations very weak dispersion of pollutants (atmospheric calm almost completely established from 18:00). Limit values ​​were not exceeded, except for PM10, where the mean daily concentration exceeded the limit values ​​at stations B6 (60 micrograms / m3) and B1 (55 micrograms / m3). These values ​​will be later validated by gravimetric measurements by the reference method. The evolution of concentrations (PM10, PM2.5 NO2, CO, benzene) and the meteorological indicators indicate the possible causes of the emissions from road traffic accumulated during the day and residential heating with wood and other fuels in the peri-urban areas of Bucharest . Although pollutant emissions were not significant, climatic factors influenced the dispersion of pollutants and led to these increases compared to the previous days, ”the representatives of the Ministry of Environment also wrote on Facebook.

They specified that, in the interval in which the increases were recorded, the National Environmental Guard teams were in the field to monitor the situation and identify possible uncontrolled or illegal burning. No reports on air quality were reported, according to the ministry.

Air pollution costs a resident of a European city about 1,250 euros a year, while for a resident of Bucharest the cost exceeds 3,000 euros, according to a report by the European Alliance for Public Health.

Editor: Iulia Iancu
