Mass vaccination against COVID will not be possible until mid-2021


The World Health Organization does not expect mass vaccination against COVID-19 to be possible before mid-2021. who highlights the importance of the rigorous controls necessary to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of vaccines, tell Reuters, cited by Agerpres.

None of the possible advanced vaccines in clinical trials have so far shown a clear sign Attesting to an efficiency of at least 50%, considered necessary by the WHO, said the spokeswoman for this organization, Margaret Harris.

Russia approved a COVID-19 vaccine in August after testing it in humans for less than two months, leading several Western experts to question the effectiveness and safety of the Russian vaccine.

U.S. public health officials and Pfizer Inc. announced Thursday that a vaccine developed by the pharmaceutical group could be available for distribution by the end of October. That period is just days before the U.S. presidential election, scheduled for November 3, in which debates over the COVID-19 pandemic will likely play a significant role.

We really don’t expect to see a mass vaccination until the middle of next year.Margaret Harris said at a press conference in Geneva.

This phase 3 of the clinical trials should take longer as we need to see if the vaccine really provides protection and also how safe it is.he added, referring to a phase of medical research in which large-scale clinical trials are underway.

Margaret Harris did not refer to a specific possible vaccine.

All data provided by these studies should be shared and compared, he added.

Many people have been vaccinated, but we do not know if the vaccine works … at this time we do not have a clear signal that the vaccine actually has the required levels of safety and efficacy.Margaret Harris said.

The WHO and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) have launched a global vaccination plan called COVAX, which aims to help governments around the world buy and distribute vaccines fairly. The program aims first to immunize people in high-risk categories in each country, such as medical employees.

COVAX plans to acquire and supply 2 billion doses of approved vaccines by the end of 2021, but some countries that have already secured their own stocks through bilateral contracts, including the United States, have announced that they will not join the initiative. .

The key is that the door is open. We are open. COVAX is a program that ensures that everyone on the planet will have access to vaccinesHarris said.

Web Editor: Monica Bonea
