Mariana Cojocaru Horoscope for the week of May 10 to 16. Lions are based on comfort, Aquarius has locks.


Horoscope. Aries: This week is under the influence of a new planetary alignment. The alignment consists of Jupiter, Pluto in Capricorn retrograde, and as soon as possible the Moon will join them. As the Moon falls into Capricorn, and the alignment of the planets squares with their native Sun, Lilith and Kiron will encounter obstacles. The targets are Taurus, Scorpios, Libra, Virgo, Cancer and Leo.

Horoscope. Taurus-Saturn in Aquarius does not receive joyous vibrations from the three planets in Taurus (Uranus, Mercury, Sun), so it will feel like it is being hit. To remove them, I need to see exactly how you positioned these aspects on your birth chart. Or relatives. The targets are Gemini, Aries and Lions love (relationships of interest). Career and health are marked by compatibility.

Horoscope. Gemini- You’ve already seen where Mercury is, right? With Uranus and the Sun it marks chaos in the conjugal and socio-professional Paradise. Do you realize those who have distant lovers or lovers how depressed they are? A hurricane signal that will cause disasters from June … Jupiter, Retrograde Pluto and the Moon warn me about hidden problems, karmic health or business.

Horoscope. Cancer: the alignment of the planets of Capricorn (Jupiter-Pluto and the Moon), as well as the presence of the Karmic Axis says that you are in the last hundred meters. At least twelve o’clock, you need to know how you are doing with the mission of life inscribed on your astrogram, so that your karmic mat is not removed from under your feet now. It focuses on health, career / business, family life (children, grandchildren), relationship with family, love side.

Horoscope. Leo: As for you, love is a technical and interesting question, it doesn’t surprise me when everyone recognizes how they chose their half. I know that you love yourself more and that you like the comfort that others offer (marriage, love). It is also valid for Sagittarius, Aries or those who have the Karmic Axis in such signs. The only difference is the karmic astrogram, which is very complex and shows me what you were in previous lives …

Horoscope. Virgo: You have already read what are the aspects of the period marked by a Mercury that resonates with Retrograde Pluto and that can affect your health and your inner peace. Since we have a 2Malefic look, targeted kisses are also Scorpios, Sagittarians, Cancers, Aries, and Capricorn. Of Pisces (the opposite sign) I do not even say that the natal Sun opposes Neptune. Aim for children, career, studies, justice.

