Marian Iordache died. Doctors could not save the former mayor of Medgidia


According to some sources, Marian Iordache choked on food while dining at home.

At 51, Iordache has been, for the last four years, advisor to the mayor of Cernavoda.

In addition, the former mayor of Medgidia was currently a county councilor in Constanța of the PNL.

Marian Iordache was mayor of Medgidia for two consecutive terms, between 2008 and 2016.

First aid techniques if we choke on food

Antena 3 has explained, on many occasions, the first aid techniques in case a person chokes on food.

Dr. Luisa Simion explained in the “Health Council” which are the methods that can save our lives.

“If we are alone in the house, we should call 112. If we have someone, then the one next to us will have to analyze extremely quickly if it is a life-threatening situation or if they think they can solve it with their own hands. If they cough effectively, it means that part of the air in the lungs will be able to escape. If we find that the cough is ineffective, we have to call 112 “.

The doctor said that the patient should not drink water under any circumstances. It is completely prohibited.


September 13, 18:58
